Chapter 20

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Frank's POV

It had been a few years since I had gotten back from the psych hospital, I had a relapse and cut my self on the anniversary of Gerard's suicide. If that was what happened.

I was now nineteen and lived on my own in Jersey. Every year on his death day I would go to his grave at three in the morning and look through his drawings. He had drawn me a couple times and they were beautiful, I couldn't see myself as he saw me. I was still recovering from anorexia but I was getting better. I was now a healthy weight and tho I wasn't happy with that, I was learning to know that that was a good weight.

Tomorrow was June third, the day Gerard left this world. I would go to bed early and wake up at two thirty, shower back some of Gerard's favorite food a beer and one of his sketch books and take a cemetery drive and drink by the mausoleum door before going to his grave.

At eight I went to bed, it took me a while to sleep but eventually I fell asleep in a hour or so. I got to his grave and sat down, leaning against the gravestone, It had graffiti on it from me and his younger brother, Mikey. We had met at the funeral and became good friends. Sometimes he'd come with me at this early time when it was still pitch black, but very rarely.

It was just me tonight as I switched on a flashlight and looked through his drawings. He had lots of vampire and ghost drawings. He had drawn me in this one, it was my favorite note book. It was the the one he had when I first arrived to Horizon hospital. There was also a sketch of the receptionist. I had brought pancakes and ice cream cookies. Of course those would be Gerard's favorite foods, Mikey had told me a lot about him. I spoke to Gerard after I finished looking at the drawing pad.

"Hey Gee, it's been ten fucking years since I've been seeing your face 'round here. I really miss you, you were actually the first person I ever fell in love with. I don't know if you believe in love at first sight, but I do. I think that's what happened. But I don't know. I just know I miss everything about you. I miss your laugh and those light brown eyes that had a light behind them, even though you were battling with voices and Them, you were still fighting till the end. I'm proud of you for that. I was trying to do that when they were in my head and I barely made it to the hour they were in my head. But you, you battled it everyday for so many years."

I started to tear up and choke on a few words. "I miss you, well I miss you so far, and the collision of your kiss, it makes it so hard." I started to cry as I sat, in the early morning of a summer day with my back against my best friends gravestone. He was my best friend, my only friend before Mikey.

After a few hours of examining the notebook, eating, talking, and if course crying it was six and I was ready to go home and sleep for two hours. I was in a band Frank Iero and the Cellebration. And my band knew that every June third was the day I needed to play music the most. So they always had that day cleared up for me so we could play.

I got home and slept then, at nine, after showering and have coffee, I invited them over. I wrote a song for Gerard, it was one of my favorites, it was the one I loved to play so much.

My band somehow didn't get sick of it, or if they did, they hid it from me; of which I was grateful for. It was called, Weighted. The lyrics were something I had said to Gerard... as he was dying in the hospital.

After two hours we took a break and watched a horror film while eating popcorn. We had fun but it didn't exactly take away the pain. It just dulled it.


That night, I sat alone in my room on my bed. Gerard's brother gave me most of his old clothes, they were big one me but I wore them anyways. I always wore his hoodies, most of them were bands that I had heard of and liked like misfits, Green Day, and Blink 182.

I was wearing the Green Day hoodie and the sweats he died in. I hated the silence so I went to my iPod and put it on shuffle, Weighted came on. I flopped on my bed and stared at the ceiling, I didn't even had the energy to close my eyes to blink.

I heard a shuffling noise, I dismissed it, my dog was probably sniffing around. Then, I saw Them. They were as Gerard had told me, tall, black cloaked, and holding shiny, wicked sharp daggers.

-We've waited a while for this, Frank. We came to destroy Gerard's first and only love.

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