Chapter 16

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Gerard's POV

Trigger warning, blood, death and rape but I won't write the rape. It just implies it.

I was walking home, nothing unusual, it was Saturday and I had gone on a walk and now it was dusk.

I passed through the tunnel, it was only a few blocks away from home. I'd be home in twenty minutes or less.

"Hey babe, wanna come over and we can have some fun." I  looked over my shoulder and three men all dressed in black with hoodies emerged from the shadows smirking.

"Go fuck yourself." I kept walking but quickened my pace slightly. "Nah, I'll fuck you instead." He laughed and I felt a hand on my shoulder, my hand went immediately to my knife and I spun around, my knife cut into his hand, he realized me and cried out in pain. I tried to run but the two others grabbed me and we fell to the ground. "You'll pay for that sweetheart, do want to have some fun with us?" I was paralyzed, this wasn't happening, this was going to be gang rape.

The first one grabbed me by his bloody hand and slammed me against the wall of the tunnel, "Now, how bout we take of your clothes and see your pretty little body huh?" I wanted to scream but he put his other hand over my mouth, "Get him the gag." After he gagged me he started to take of my clothes and the other to started to unbuckle their belts. And I started to cry.


Ok, so now it's just death and it's sorta important to the plot.

After they had their fun with me they gave me my clothes. They weren't very smart and left my knife in the hoodie, I grabbed it and threw it at first man in the back. My aim was perfect, I had learned how to use it, this was Jersey.

He fell to the ground and the other two ran, away. I could t believe I had just killed a man, I shakily took out my phone as I slid down the wall.

"Mom.. I need you to pick me up. I just go raped." I texted her because I didn't know what else to say, and I never ever want to speak again. I took off my gag and rested my head on the wall. Would she even believe me?

-No, of course she won't. She'll see the body and think you just went crazy and stabbed a man. She'll think you're a psycho. Because you are. You're a murderer. You should be in a prison or asylum.

'What! This isn't my thoughts who the fuck are you?'

-Haha I'll be with you for quite a while Gerard. Better get used to another voice. And Them.

I opened my eyes and saw Them, They held daggers, and were cloaked in black with hoods up so I couldn't see Their faces.

'Who the hell are you? Stay away from me!'

They did the exact opposite. They advanced towards me, daggers glistening in the light of the the bulbs of the tunnel. I wanted to run but I was to scared, this would really be the death of me.

"Gerard? Gerard! Oh god what are you doing?" My mom rushed to me and picked me up, I was easily lifted by her I didn't know how because I was surly about 140 pounds and 5'6. My mom took me to her car and we drove home. She tried to talk to me but I couldn't answer. The voices told me that if I talked I would die a painful death by Them.


I heard an echoy voice. This wasn't part of the memories. This was from another life. It was far away and familiar, it was a beautiful voice.

"Gerard, it's Frankie, please wake up. I love you... I love you."

Frankie? That sounded familiar.. who was he?

Asylum, murder, love, Frank, suicide, silence, cutting,

I willed myself to wake up, why was I sleeping when Frank needed me? Wake up Gerard! Wake the fuck up. Why wouldn't I wake?

-Because we're keeping you under. You should've known we would get you. And we don't let people go so easily.

'Yeah? Well I beat you motherfuckers a while back for Frankie and goddamnit I'll do it again!'

I tried to move but it was like I was in a thick liquid. Like I was trying to move through a foam pit, it was near-impossible.

-Stop, you're just wasting your time and no one can save you anyhow. You'll just die faster if you try.

'Better to die fighting for the one you love then dying a slow death left alone with you.

-Demons are we? Well you aren't wrong. We're your demons, we're your horrors, and we can also be Franks' if you keep fighting.

'Oh pardon me, I didn't know you could actual breed with your voice.'

-Sassy, well that's new since you're going to die soon.'

'I'm not sassy I'm sarcastic but you're to much of an idiot to know that.'

-Love the sarcasm, final efforts?

'Im dying anyhow, torture me. You really need to listen to me, cause I'm telling you the truth, take a look at me cause I. Don't. Care.

-Oh we don't need to torture you, we can torture Frank.

'You stay away from him, it's not his time! Kill me now! Don't hurt him please I'll do anything just leave him be!'

-There's nothing to do anymore, Gerard. You were to never speak, but you did, to him. And now you'll pay, and the way you'll pay is by Frank being haunted by us when you're gone.

'Well I'm not dead yet you bastard so stay away from him.'

-We're the ones who haunt his dreams at night.

'Don't you say a single word to Frank or I swear to God I'll give you actual hell.'

-Big talk from a boy who's in a coma right now.

A coma? No..this...This wasn't supposed to happen!

-None of this would have happened if you hadn't got raped. It is all your fault.

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