Chapter 12

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Gerard's POV

I didn't know what time it was, all I knew was that I had my arms around Frank. I wasn't tired so I gently got up, trying not to wake him.

I sat on his bed and thought about what we had become in this one, long day. Do I like him? Does he like me? I laid down on the bed and though, 'Maybe I should ask him what he thinks we are. Maybe soon I'll ask him to be my boyfriend. We aren't exactly encouraged to make friendships here because we'll eventually leave.'

I sat back up and thought about it. On one hand, if he became my boyfriend then one of left before the other we wouldn't be able to call or visit, but on the other hand, maybe we could work together to either get better and leave at the same time of fake it till you make it. That's how I was living.

Suddenly I felt a presence, not Franks and definitely not a nurses. Then I heard the voices,

-I told you we would find you.

My heart stopped beating for a second, as they voices cackled, oh god They finely found me. I closed my eyes, 'L-leave me alone. I don't wanna die.'

-Oh, but I think you do, you're just caught up in that boy. We won't harm him if you cooperate.

'No, you can't hurt him, you're not real. Stay the fuck away. Don't touch me.'

-I thought we didn't exist? How could we hurt you if we don't exist?

They laughed cruelly. Fuck, now what?

-Now what? Well, either give up or fight, it's death or victory.

'Is... is the real? Are you real? Are They real? I don't want you to be please, why wont the medication work!'

-Because you don't deserve help, you deserve suffering and death, you don't deserve happiness with Frank. You don't deserve friends or someone to love. You don't even deserve your miserable life. Honestly, They're doing you a favor. Everyone is better if without you.

I finally opened my eyes and looked up, I saw that I was surrendered by Them. They held daggers, curved and wicked sharp.
'What are you going to do?'

-We're going to make you suffer before you die. You deserve it after all that running you did and all the chasing They did. Now, are you ready for pain before death?

I shook with fear, this was really happening. They approached me, daggers gleaming in They're hands. I wanted to run, I wanted to have a nurse walk in, but They were smart and probably waited till the nurse had just come, leaving Them a half hour to torture me.

A/n so there is some pretty gory stuff right now, so if you're tongue tied and oh so squeamish ( stop me, I can't just burst into song when I hear that word) I'd skip this.

Two of Them held me down, I tried to struggle but to no avail, They were too strong. The black figures stripped me to my boxers. Then, they went to work with They're blades. I tried to scream but nothing came out.

Hot tears rolled down my cheek as They hacked at my skin with the sharp, cold metal. They cut my wrists, my arms, my thighs, even my chest. They went deep and I wanted to scream, cry out to Frank or even a nurse but my voice wouldn't work.

I knew I was losing a lot of blood, I felt light headed and I could feel the warm liquid seeping onto the bedding and into the mattress. I still tried to move but I was so weak They didn't even have to try to hold me down.

-How does it feel? How does it feel to be like you? Painful? Or do you like the sick pleasure? You always did.

The voice was right, it really was painful but I loved it. I knew my mind was sick, I used to think that was okay but this had gone too far. I wasn't the one cutting into my skin this time.

Eventually They stopped. It had probably been almost a half hour, They had to finish up. They put my clothes back on, it stung so much that I whimpered, my voice was back but I was to weak to scream.

They put me in the bed with Frank, putting me in the same spot, my arms around him, it hurt so bad, it stung every part of my cut up body. I passed the fuck out but not before I saw Them slowly leave, Their black cloaks soaked in blood though that didn't seem to bother Them as They disappeared into the dark hallway, that's all I knew; I closed my eyes as my mind raced trying to find out if this had really actually happened.

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