Chapter 3

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Authors Note,
Hey, so this has an eating disorder trigger warning, so if you are triggered by talking about being underweight or body dysmorphia, please don't read this. Thank you! You're all gorgeous!

Frank's POV

I was sitting in my cell on the bed. This would be my first 'official' day here I guess you would say. I had gotten here yesterday, kicking and screaming and had spent the night alone in my own little cell. It had been terrible and I had barely got any sleep at all. I had woken up screaming at least twice but I don't know if anyone had heard. But I knew there was a camera in there I had seen it. It wasn't his very well, I don't even know if they were even trying to hide it. Any how, it was time for breakfast after that I would have therapy.

I had been dreading breakfast all night, 'Food. You have to actually eat from now on, and it will be near impossible to throw any of it up you know.' I did know, that's why I had woken up screaming. I had E.D.N.O.S, eating disorder not otherwise specified. I was terrified of gaining weight and being on a scale scared the shit out of me. I was terrified of being over 100 pounds. I knew that I was at least ninety-four pounds right now and that was making me feel so sick. I was still underweight currently but I hated this number. My goal had been eighty but my parents had found out about my disorder when I was only ninety. They had forced me to eat and while I had been able to throw up most of it I still gained and when I had officially gained five pounds I tried to kill myself. I didn't want to live if I was going to be fat and unhappy, I would rather be skinny and unhappy.

When morning came, breakfast soon followed and I was ushered out of my room. I groaned internally but followed the stream of patients going towards the cafeteria, it was crowded and I was afraid of how they would judge me if I ate anything or if I ate nothing. But I got in line behind a boy about my height and age.

There were plenty of choices but I just decided on cereal, it probably had the least amount of calories. I looked about for a seat, 'Who would want to sit next to piece of fat, ugly, shit?' I shook my head slightly, but then I caught the eye of a boy, he was the boy who had been there yesterday when I had first arrived. He was taller than I, which honestly wasn't that much of an achievement, he had a black curtain of hair with red on top that covered part of his face, and his eyes were light brown. He wasn't exactly thin but he definitely wasn't fat at all, he was honesty just perfect. I went to his table and stood across from this beautiful boy. I wanted to just stare it him, I wanted him to say my name, I wanted to know his name, I wanted to know everything about this quiet boy with the beautiful features.

I cleared my throat awkwardly, "Hey, er... my name is Frank and I sorta like saw you me I thought maybe I could um sit?" The boy nodded and I sat down. "So.." I wanted to know his name and he obviously wasn't going to say it on his own, "What's your name? I'm new, I just got here yesterday." I didn't know if he remembered me. He set down his fork and grabbed his notepad, 'My name is Gerard Way.' I smiled, his handwriting was beautiful as was his name and everything about this, Gerard. "Gerard? I like that name." He gave me a small smile and ate his waffles. I ate my cereal and thought of his smile, then I felt it, that feeling I was so used too. 'No, no! I don't want to feel this, not now, not next to this boy!' I clutched my stomach and tried not to throw up. Gerard looked concerned and wrote down a quick note, 'Are you okay? Do you feel sick? Do you know where the bathroom is I can show you.' I wanted to say yes and then throw up the small amount of food I ate, instead I shook my head and smiled weakly, "I-I shouldn't go to the bathroom, I have an eating disorder so eating is kinda hard for me." He looked down and wrote something down, he hesitated but gave it to me, I wanted to cry this was one of the nicest thing anyone had said to me for a long time and I could almost believe it, 'I think you're beautiful. A little to skinny.. eating is good.'
"Thank you, Gerard, that means a lot, I don't even know you. I guess that means more, cause friends kind of have to compliment you. You are a stranger." He smiled and blushed dark red, looking down. "You're super nice, Gerard."
'You can call me Gee if you want.' I couldn't help but smile shyly, "You can call me Frankie." Gee smiled, I loved his cute little smile and his cute little nickname. Right now, all I wanted was to hear him say my name. But I didn't know how long I'd have to wait. A bell rang and I guess that meant that breakfast was over. We all got up and shuffled out of the cafeteria. We all left to see our therapists.

Authors note,
Sorry this was a longer chapter I dunno if you like them longer better or not.

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