Chapter 17

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Just so ya know, I wrote this I'm at 2am when I woke up so it's probably crap, feel free to criticize it 0_o

Frank's POV

'Who the hell are you, invading my fucking thoughts. Get the fuck out of my head.'

-Oh Frank, we knew you were funny but this is just precious.

'The fuck do you know my name. You're what Gee has. You're sick fuckers but do or die, you'll never make me, go and try, you'll never break me.'

-That's where you're wrong. We will. And you will break and you'll never be the same again.

'So, you wanna see how far down, I can sink? Let me go!'

-We'll never let you go. Welcome to hell.

'We all go to hell, might as well go out in style. Give me your worst.'

-Right now? But we've only just met, let's talk before I send you Them. Gerard is going to be dead soon.

'No. I won't let him. If he goes, I go. We're going down together or not at all.'

-You're too precious for this world.

'Say that to my face you fucking bitch, you fuckin crouton.

-You're very funny, now let's talk. Why do you like Gerard so much? He never speaks to you. He doesn't love you. He only pitying you. He really doesn't give a shit.

'Show me your worst, show me your cursed, tell me the truth.'

I was done. This was it. I wasn't going to take shit from them.

-Frank, Frank listen to me.

I wasn't going to give them what they wanted. They weren't going to get shit from me. This was for Gerard. This was for the times they hurt him. I would never listen, I wouldn't do what they said, I wouldn't ever let them take me alive. They can't destroy me. This wasn't the end of me, this wasn't the end of my sanity, this was the beginning of a war I was going to win. Because you fight harder when there's a prize, when there's someone you love in the end.

I would listen, but I wouldn't speak to them. They can send me all sorts of hell, but I wouldn't give up.

-I will kill Gerard if you don't listen.

Yeah right, they couldn't do anything to him.

-You may not talk, but we can listen as well.

Congratulations. But how did They cut him? How did They manage that.. could They actually kill him.

-That's a good question, how indeed did They manage to hurt him?

I ignored them. They were just talking aimlessly and I really didn't care but it was getting crowded in my head.

"Therapy time people!"

"Only a hour before lunch." Austin and Patrick showed up beside me randomly, "Oh, hey." I was still sitting in the lounge, it was time for group therapy so I had no reason to move from my spot.

Patrick cleared his throat, "I heard about Gerard." Everyone knew about Gerard by now. I heard people whisper and point at me subtly, but I was observant and noticed.

"Okay." I wasn't in the mood for talking, I was to busy trying to wrap my head around Them and the cuts all over Gerard's body. No blade, only blood. How?

"Are you okay?" Austin looked genuinely concerned. "No, I'm not okay, I'm not okay I'm not o-fucking-kay." I sighed and pulled my hood up and turned away from them. I was tired and exhausted both mentally and physically.

"I know, well, group is starting, mind if we sit here?" I shook my head and Austin sat next to me and Patrick next to him. "Hey Pete! Come on, you can sit with us!"

I moved over so Austin could mover over to make room for Pete. He was wearing guyliner and had a misfits shirt on. I loved that band.

-Gerard doesn't love you. He told us, so why don't you just give up.

This was really getting annoying, no wonder Gerard had such a hard time consenting while there were voices talking all the time. He couldn't sleep because there were to many voices trying to talk to him.

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