Chapter 4

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Frank's POV

My therapy session started right after this tall dude (I mean frickin 6'5) who's name was, Austin. He smiled at me as he left the room and I halfheartedly smiled back at him, I wasn't in the mood right now.

"Hello there, Frank.. er Iero? Is that how you pronounce it?" He pronounced it right , most people would have pronounced it I-air-o, when it was actually I-year-o. I nodded and he smiled a big goofy grin. "Great! So, my name is, Jaime Preciado and I'll be your personal therapist. I am not allowed to tell anyone what you say to me unless it involves self harm, suicide, and/or murder." He had become suddenly serious, his brown eyes fixed on mine. "It's part of my policy, but I urge you to come to me if you have any of those thoughts." Then he smiled brightly, "Alrighty, do you want to play a board game or a card game while we talk? I think it gets kinda boring when we just talk and don't do anything." I was a bit surprised, usually the therapist or counselor just sat me down and droned on and on about useless shit and that was so boring. But this Jaime guy was actually suggesting we do something. "Uh, sure, what do you have?"

After about forty-five minutes or so of Uno, Scrabble, Yahtzee, and talking, Jaime 'released' me from his office, "Bye Frank! I'll see you after dinner, ok?" I forced a small smile, "Bye."

I exited Jaime's office and as I closed the door I heard a loud slam and Gerard stormed out of a office, his face was livid. A tall, skinny man with tattoos all over his neck and hands, which was all I could see. He had dark brown hair and his eyes were almost the same colour, he was very handsome. Gerard looked so furious and I was confused why he wasn't screaming stuff. I knew he didn't talk at breakfast but maybe he talked to his therapist? He obviously didn't talk much, if not at all.

"Listen, Gerard, I just want to know why you don't talk. I'm not pressuring you to tell me, I'm just genuinely curious... as are the other ten therapists you've seen." The tall man called after Gerard as he stormed off, they both looked exhausted. 'Ten? Ten therapists?' I wondered how many therapists were in this asylum.

Jaime came out of his office and he and the other man locked eyes and sighed. "Who's that?" I asked indicating at the his colleague. "That's Oli Sykes, he's Gerard's eleventh therapist. I don't know if Oli will be able to help though, Bob had been the most successful but whenever we mention him not speaking, he explodes."

Jaime sighed and ran his hands through his short spikey hair, he looked stressed out, "We only have a few more therapists here though. We might have to transfer him to a different place if they can't help him. I mean, what's the point of him being here if we can't help? Anyway, I have another patient waiting, bye Frank." Jaime nodded at a girl and she followed him into his office.

I decided to walk around this place and get to know it. Gerard probably didn't want to be calmed down right now and even if he did I didn't know where he would be. This place was fucking huge. How many kids were even here? I tried to clear my mind and walk.

'What if Gee leaves? You won't know anyone here. You'll be the new kid. The freak with no friends. You'll be-'
"Hello! My name is Austin, you and I share the same therapist, I saw you right before you went in and I was hoping I'd catch you. You're new here right?" Austin's hand was extended towards me. I was caught off guard but I managed to half smile and shake his hand. "So, how do you like it here?"

'How do I like it? It's a fucking prison where people who aren't safe go. I'm fine though! Really! Also I just got here, I don't know shit about this place.'
"Uh, I don't know, I've only been here a day so I don't know much about it."

"Of course, duh, how stupid of me. I can show you around if you'd like, show you the ropes." Austin winked and laughed, I couldn't help but actually smile this time. He seemed like a nice guy who just wanted to help, "Sure, Austin, oh by the way, my name is Frank." He smiled and made to grabbed my wrist to guide me through the twisting maze of hallways and rooms. As he gripped it I yanked it back and let out a loud gasp. Austin looked frightened, "Oh my God what did I do?!" I lightly held my wrist to my chest, "I-I'm sorry.. I uh.. broke that a while ago and it still kinda hurts." He looked relived, "Good, I thought I had gripped it to tight." He offered me his hand and I grabbed it and off we went to explore this prison-like place.

After the break we had lunch, Gerard wasn't there to my disappointment, so I ate with Austin and his friend, Patrick, who was an all around fun, happy go lucky guy. They both were really.

"So, Frank, who's your roommate? Do you have one yet?" Austin was walking me back to the hallways where they therapy was. "Uh, no, well... yes but I don't know who. I'm meeting him tonight I guess."
"Oh, that'll be exciting. My roommate is Patrick but he wants to be roomed with someone else." Austin sort of smirked when he said that.

"Who? Doesn't he like rooming with you? Do you snore?" I squinted my eyes at him. He hit me playfully which kind of hurt, "Haha, no he uh..." he looked around then leaned down and whispered, "He has a crush on someone and he wants to room with them." To me, that seemed like a mix between a good and bad idea. What if they didn't like you and you told them then they didn't want to be your friends and got a different room? That would be sad.

"Alright, well I have to go in I think you're after me, bye." We had already walked to the therapy hallway. Austin walked in and was greeted by Jaime. He gave me a quick smile before closing the door.

After fortyish minutes I walked in as Austin left, holding the door for me. After a half hour of Jaime beating me in every single game and lots of talking Jaime put away the Uno cards. "So, we had decided to room you with Gerard. We saw you with him at breakfast, he never lets anyone sit with him. Maybe you'll become friends and help each other out.

Authors Note
Sorry for not updating for a while? I've been having a rough week. I hope you all had a good Christmas and a happy new year! Maybe my new years resolution will be to try and write a chapter ever other day,

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