Chapter 2

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Shout out to Gillian_Season for the cover

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Shout out to Gillian_Season for the cover. :)

Chapter 2


       "Mae, hurry up!" one of my two best friend, Ryder, whined. "The reservation is in five minutes and it takes at least ten minutes to drive there!"

       "Relax, I'm almost done!" Ryder's wife, Mae, called from the washroom.

       Ryder groaned. "Alan, don't ever get a girlfriend. Girls take forever getting ready."

       "Hey!" Orchid said. "Some girls do, just like how some guys do."

       "It's true," Nolan said. "Jerome here is a pretty boy and takes forever getting ready."

       I shrugged as I continued setting up my camera for the video Nolan, Alan, Orchid, and I were going to do. What's right is right. Although, I would still look flawless if I didn't take forever to get ready.

       "Mae, come on!" Ryder whined again. "You look fine, now let's go!"

       "I'll take longer if you keep complaining!"

       "You know, this is very entertaining," Alan said.

       "Shut up, Alan," Ryder said.


       Mae finally walked out of the washroom and where to Ryder was. "I'm sorry for taking forever," she said. "Forgive me?"

       "I will once we get to the restaurant and there's food in my mouth."

       Shortly after Mae and Ryder left the apartment, the camera was all set up. I sat back in the couch with the small remote to make the camera start recording. "Ready?" I asked the others.

       "Hold on, let me fix my hair," Orchid said.

       "Right, Atticus might be watching the video," Alan said, which made Orchid punch his arm.

       "I don't like him."

       "Keep denying it. We just won't believe you."

       "Do they argue like this all the time?" I asked Nolan.

       "Yep," Nolan said. "Orchid can't stand the thought of us knowing who she likes, so she just plays it off like she doesn't like him."

       Orchid sighed irritably. "I do not like Atticus. How many times do I have to say it?"

       "As much times as it takes," Alan said. "Don't worry,we'll stop saying it either when you get married to someone else, or you start dating him. And when, not if, when it's the latter case, we'll just say I told you so."

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