Chapter 23

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You're going to hate me this chapter lol.

Chapter 23


       My sixth sense was back. I've been having such a weird feeling about Jerome for the past few days. We spent the day together on New Year's Eve and he vlogged all day, and even threw some shade at Dirk. The very first thing he said after his intro was, "Should I even be vlogging? Am I worthy enough to do something everyone with a camera can do?"

       All of his subscribers loved the shade he threw.

       However, since then, Jerome has been acting distant. He took forever replying to my texts and he was always busy whenever I asked if he wanted to hang out.

       I didn't want to feel too clingy, but....I couldn't shake this bad I had.

       My family was all at the dining table, eating dinner. I wasn't. Well, I was at the table, but I was just pushing my food around and occasionally glancing at my phone in hopes Jerome texted me back.

       He still didn't.

       "Nolan, are you okay?" Dad asked. "You barely touched your food."

       "I'm fine," I said.

       "Are you sure?" he asked.

       I nodded. "Yeah, I'm just not that hungry."

       " it coming back?" Dad asked.

       I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, not sure what he was talking about. Then I realized it. "Oh, no, it's not," I said. "Trust me, everything is fine. I'm just not hungry."

       "You sure?" he asked again.

       "Yes, I'm sure," I said. "People always goes through times where they're just not hungry and it's today for me. I really am fine, I promise."

       Dad didn't ask anymore questions, thankfully. I was just hoping this weird thing with Jerome would pass because I really didn't want to get my family involved. We had to figure things out on our own.

       If there was anything to figure out. I still didn't know why Jerome was ignoring me and I didn't like it at all. Things were perfectly fine until that one day.

       Since it was a Friday night, Mom and Dad thought we should all have a family movie night, especially because it was the last Friday of winter break before we would have to go back to school.

       It took a while for us to decide on a movie after dinner. It always did. Someone wanted to watch a rom-com, someone else wanted to watch an action movie, someone else wanted a comedy. We were never able to decide.

       So, we did what we always did. We put the names of the movies we chose into a bowl and then we got the youngest Prince member to pick the name. So Dad set the bowl down in front of six-month-old William, who stared into the bowl before stuffing his hand inside and coming up with a piece of paper.

       Dad carefully took the piece of paper from William and set the bowl on the coffee table before putting in the movie William chose.

       It was the rom-com movie.


       I was not in the mood for romance movies with perfect relationships when my boyfriend was ignoring me.

       I wasn't even paying attention to the movie. I was just staring at my phone the whole time.

       While I was looking at my and Jerome's text messages, I saw the three dots to indicate he was typing a message. It stayed like that for a few moments before disappearing. And no message came.

       I sighed and locked my cell phone. There was no point in waiting for a text that was obviously not coming.

       There was a sudden knock on the door and since I was the closest, and the one not paying attention to the movie, I offered to be the one to answer it.

       I opened the door, seeing Jerome standing there. "Hey," he said, not giving me a smile like he always did. "Can....can we talk?"

       "Sure," I said before walking outside and closing the door behind me. "Is everything okay? I feel like you've been ignoring me?"

       Jerome didn't say anything as he looked down.

       "Jerome? What's going on?"

       Jerome still kept looking down as he started talking. "This isn't working out anymore."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "What isn't?"

       "This. Us."

       No. Please no. Please don't tell me he was saying that I thought he was.

       "What do you mean we're not working out anymore?" I asked. "Everything was literally working out a few days ago. Is it something I did? Because if it was, you can tell me and I'll fix it."

       "It's nothing you did," Jerome said. "It's just not working anymore."

       "Jerome, please don't do this," I said. "We can make things work. We always do."

       "I'm sorry, Nolan," Jerome said. "Don't make this harder than it already is."

       "Then why are you doing this if it's hard for you?" I asked. 

       "It just isn't working out anymore," Jerome said.

       "Jerome, please...."

       "I'm sorry," Jerome said. "We're over."

       He didn't even let me say anything as we started walking away. Jerome just broke up with me. And he didn't give me a reason.

       I was dazed for a bit, but I finally snapped out of it before walking back in my house, trying my best not to cry. 

       "Who was that?" Dad asked, though his eyes were still on the TV. When I didn't reply, he actually looked over at me. "Hey, what's wrong?"

       I looked down and wiped a tear away. "Jerome, he....he just broke up with me."

       "What?" Dad asked. "Why?"

       "I don't know," I said. "He was saying we weren't working out anymore and he was basically ignoring me for a few days and then he just breaks up with me when I didn't do anything."

       Dad got up from the couch and walked over to give me a hug. "Hey, these things happen," Dad said.

       "But I don't want it to happen," I said, more tears flowing. "I love him."

       "I know," Dad said. "Look, maybe it's best for you two to take a break."

       I pulled away from Dad and looked up at him. "What?" 

       "If he still loves you, then things will work out," I said. "Most couples go through one massive fight, and some even break up before getting back together. Your mom and I did."

       "But he didn't even give me a reason," I said. "He was just saying this weren't working out. He wasn't saying what wasn't working. I'm just going to head to my room."


       I wiped my tears away before quickly heading upstairs to my bedroom. As soon as I closed the door, I broke into tears.



I love you all, I swear, and you all know that Jerlan is my favorite ship. <3

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