Chapter 39

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*slight trigger warning because of a conversation*

Chapter 39


       Jerome walked into the hospital room, giving me a small smile. "Hey," he said, sitting down beside the hospital bed. "How are you feeling?"

       I shrugged and looked down.

       "You know, the doctors said you're okay to go home now," Jerome said.

       "I'd rather stay here."

       "That's not all," Jerome said. "Your parents also agreed to let you stay with me for a few days until you're feeling better."

        "Why? Wouldn't they rather have their useless son with them?"

       "Nolan," Jerome said, taking one of my hand in his. "You are not useless. They love you so much."

       "Then why don't they want me to be at home with them."

       "Because your dad went through the same thing. He said that he found it a lot easier to be with his mom because he could trust her with everything, so they thought it might be easier for you to be with me for the next few days. It's because they love you that they want what's best for you."

       I didn't say anything else. I just stared at my hand in Jerome's.

       "Nolan, I promise I'll be there for you until you feel better," he said. "Even when you do feel better, I'm still going to be there for you because I love you more than anyone. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don't know what I would do without you."

       "And I almost ruined that," I said.

       "What? How?"

       "By trying to take my life away. I was thinking about myself only and not how you would feel or how my family would feel."

       "Nolan, it's okay," he said. "It happens. We're not mad at you. Come here." Jerome pulled me into a tight hug. "I promise for the next few days, I'm putting you first. Everything I do will be for you. I want you to feel better."

       I nodded and hugged him back. "Thank you."

       Since the doctors already gave me the okay to leave, Jerome helped me off the bed, then we left the hospital and headed to his car. He drove to my house so I could pick up a few things to bring back with me to Jerome's apartment.

       I actually was happy Mom and Dad was letting me stay with Jerome for the next few days. That was actually really going to help me a lot. When I was just staying at home, I didn't really have anyone. Yeah, they were my family, but Dad and Mom were making sure Rose and William didn't get into anything, Tulip was always in her own little world, and Orchid and Alan were always playing video games.

        When I was finished packing up some things I needed and came back down the stairs, Dad called me over to the living room so I walked over. "I just want to remind you that I've been through what you are going through," he said. "If you ever feel the urge to do what you did, please tell me. I can help, okay." I nodded and he pulled me into a hug. "I love you, Nolan."

       "I love you too, Dad," I said. "And thank you for letting me stay with Jerome for the next few days."

       "You're welcome," he said.

       I left the house and headed to Jerome's apartment with him. He helped me bring my stuff to the apartment and in his bedroom. Ryder was in the kitchen, and he looked over at me. "Hey," he said. "How are you feeling?"

       I shrugged. "The same."

       "Is there anything you want for dinner?" Ryder asked. "You could choose."

       "What about poutine?" I asked.

       "Yeah, sure," Ryder said. "I'll start making it now."

       I sat down beside Jerome on the couch and he wrapped his arm around me. "So, is there anything you want to do?" he asked. 

       "Not really," I said. "I just want to sit here and do nothing. Maybe watch a movie."

       "You can watch me and Jerome play a video game," Ryder said.

       "No," Jerome said. "No way. You cheat at video games more than Mae did on you when she was living in Lachine."

       "Okay, I am currently cutting potatoes while holding a knife," Ryder said. "I will come over there and use it."

       "Ryder, why are you threatening Jerome with a knife?" Mae asked as she walked out of her bedroom.

       "Uh, because he's a jerk," Ryder said. 

       "I am not," Jerome said. "I just said you cheat at video games."

       "Yeah, then you said more than Mae did on me when she was living in Lachine," Ryder said.

       Mae sighed. "Jerome, would you stop saying I cheated on Ryder? I didn't, and the only reason why I thought I liked you was because you were reminding me too much of Ryder. Who could ever like you....No offense, Nolan."

       "None taken," I said. "He can be annoying at times."

       "Thanks for taking my side," Jerome said sarcastically.

       "I still love you."

       "Yeah, and I love you too," he said, which made me smile a bit. "Was....was that a smile?"

       I nodded. "Yeah. I'm just....remembering how much you mean to me. I don't think I could make it through anything without you."

       Jerome smiled back and gave me a kiss, which made Ryder gag. "Oh, gross," Ryder muttered.

       "Deal with it," Jerome said.


Ooh, one more chapter left and I'm going to try writing it fast as I can SO I CAN START THEIR ADORABLY CUTE SECOND BOOK.

Yay. :D

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