Chapter 7

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Lol, so it's 12:41am as of right now and I'm working on this because someone *cough* dad *cough* has the TV too loud. Seriously, YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE THE TV SO LOUD THAT IT VIBRATES MY ROOM. Who needs sleep anyway? -.-

Chapter 7


       I saw it happen. I saw it, and I couldn't get those images out of my head. The car coming. Jerome laying on the ground unconscious. His parents just standing there. The wound on his head.

       No matter how hard I tried to get the images to leave me, they wouldn't. And it was even worse now that I was in the hospital, awaiting the news on how Jerome was doing.

       My parents soon showed up with the three younger siblings. And I couldn't help but rush over to Dad and wrap my arms around him. "He was so hurt...." I muttered.

       "I know, I left work as soon as Ryder called me," Dad said. "He'll be okay."

       "You don't know that," I said. "There was so much blood and he was unconscious and...."

       "Nolan, stressing out will only make things worse,"Dad said. "He'll be fine, okay? Be positive about it."

       "That's kind of hard," I said. "I saw it happen, Dad. I saw him arguing with his parents and the car hitting him."

       "His parents?" Dad asked.

       "Yeah, they're down here for a bit," I said. "They showed up to the Pride celebration and was trying to convince Jerome, yet again, that he isn't gay and Jerome got mad and took off and the car came because he stopped in the middle of the parking lot to tell his parents off and...."

       "Nolan," Dad interrupted. "You need to take a deep breath, okay? I know this is hard but the doctor's are doing everything they can." I nodded and Dad pulled me into a hug again.

       Then we had to wait.

       And wait.

       And wait for what felt like days before a doctor walked over. "Are you Jerome Roy's family?" she asked.

       "Close enough," Mae said. Not so surprisingly, Jerome's parents weren't even here."So, is he okay?"

       The doctor sighed. No. Please no. "Well, he is expected to fully recover, but I'm afraid he is suffering from memory loss."

       "Memory loss?" I repeated. " bad is it?"

       I was really hoping it would be just a few days or even a few weeks. Nothing too bad that we could work with.

       It wasn't.

       "Has he ever lived in a place called Lachine?" she asked.

       Mae nodded. "Yeah, why?"

       "When we asked if he knew where he was, that was his answer," she said. "How long ago was that?"

       "That was over a year ago," Mae replied. "He moved down here last July."

        And July was also the month we started dating.

        He couldn't have forgotten that much, right? He couldn't have forgotten a year and a half. He couldn't....he couldn't have forgotten me.

       "Can we go see him?" Mae asked and the doctor nodded, saying only three at a time, so Mae, Ryder, and I were the ones to go. She also told us not to put too much pressure on Jerome if there were some things he didn't remember.

       The doctor led us to Jerome's hospital room. When we walked in, Jerome smiled, mainly to Mae. "Mae, hi," he said.

       "Hey," Mae said. "How are you?"

       "Well, I have a headache and I'm hooked up to all these machines," Jerome said. "At least I'll live." He looked at Ryder, then me, then Mae again. "Who's this?"

       "You....don't remember us?" Ryder asked.

       "No?" Jerome said. "Should I?"

       Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry....

       "Well....yeah," Mae said. 

       "Oh....Sorry, it's not ringing a bell," Jerome said. "Am I really in Miami? What am I doing down here?"

       "You live here," Mae said. "You moved down here with me. You don't remember? You wanted to get away from your parents and since I was moving here...."

       "Wait, why would I want to get away from my parents?" Jerome asked. "Eh, that doesn't matter. Are you going to introduce me to these people or not? If I should remember them, maybe hearing their names should help."

       "It's Ryder and Nolan," Mae said. "Ring any bells?"

       Jerome shook his head. "Nope."

       Don't cry, don't cry, keep those tears in....

       "Who are they exactly?" Jerome said.

       "Well, Ryder's my husband and...."

       "Your....husband?" Jerome asked. "You're married?"

       As soon as I saw his face fall, I knew exactly why. Jerome was in the time where he liked Mae. That was all he remembered. Mae. Not me.

       "I'm just....I'm going to go," I said before quickly leaving the hospital room.

       "Nolan," Ryder said before following me. 

       I stopped in the hallway and turned to him. "He doesn't remember me. My boyfriend doesn't remember me and to make things worse, he thinks he still likes Mae."

       Ryder sighed and pulled me into a hug, holding me tightly as I cried. Jerome was one of the few people that made me comfortable with who I was but now....

       Ryder pulled away and wiped my tears away. "He'll remember you," he said. 

       "What if he doesn't?" I asked.

       "He will," Ryder said. "The love you two have for each other is too strong for it to be completely forgotten. He just woke up and his memory is still going to be faded. Obviously he won't be stuck in the time where he likes Mae for too long since Mae told him we're married, so he'll have to realize that he moved on. He'll remember you, okay? I promise."


More drammaaaaaaa.

I'm tired now and I don't hear my dad's TV, so I'm going to try falling asleep before I hear it again. If there are any mistakes, I'm sorry but it's currently 1:26 am. cx

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