Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


       Ryder was helping out with today's video. I didn't want to pick and choose any of the questions, so Ryder was going to do it for us. That way, both Nolan and I would really have to think about it and I wouldn't have had knowledge beforehand on what was going to be said.

       And Ryder would also act as a tiebreaker if we couldn't agree on anything so an argument didn't break out.

       I set up the camera while Nolan decided to raid my fridge. "Hey, can you get me a soda too, babe?"

       "You know, I'm actually up to the point where I don't even bother trying to get you to stop calling me that," Nolan said, taking to cans of soda out of the fridge.

       "Yes, please don't tell me to stop," I said. "I call you babe for a reason. Because I love you, baby."

       Nolan sighed and sat down on the couch; right between me and Ryder. When the camera was set up, I handed Ryder my phone with all the questions for him to choose from. When we were all ready, I started recording and did my introduction before explaining what we would be doing.

       Nolan and I both picked up two pieces of paper on the coffee table, each having one of our names on it. "Alright, future brother-in-law," I said. "Ask away."

       "Okay, first one is most likely to fall from walking," Ryder said.

       Both Nolan and I held up his name. "Yeah, he's a dancer, so he actually has good balance," Nolan said. "I don't. At all."

       "Didn't you trip while getting into my car once?" Ryder asked.

       "....Yes. My point exactly."

       "Next one is most likely to get arrested," Ryder said.

       I felt like being a jerk and holding up Nolan's name, but I knew that I would actually be the one to be arrested. Nolan would never do anything remotely close to breaking a law.

       So, Nolan and I both held up my name.

       "Most likely to be able to go without their phone and video games for the longest," Ryder said.

       This is where Nolan and I disagreed. He held up his own name and I held up my own name.

       "Don't be ridiculous," Nolan said. "I just started playing video games and even now, I'm not as passionate about them as you are."

       "Yes, but I have stronger willpower," I said.

       "What? No, you don't," Nolan said. "Remember when you bought me chocolate? And you ate it before you could give it to me."

       "So?" I said. "Food and video games are nothing alike. Alright, tiebreaker. What's it going to be?"

       "Uh, obviously Nolan," Ryder said. "He's right. He just started getting into video games. He isn't as passionate about it as you are, or even me."

       "You're just saying that because he's your brother," I said.

       "Nope. Hey, Mae?!" Ryder called to his wife who was in their bedroom.

       "Yeah?!" Mae called back.

       "Who could last longer without their phone or video games?! Nolan or Jerome?!"

       "Why is that even a question?! It's Nolan!"

       "See?" Ryder said. "Now moving on before Jerome gets mad. Most likely to get drunk."

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