Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


While Jerome went to go check the mail, I was playing with Snowball on the floor. For the first few days of him being here, he would always just sit and lay in the corner of the apartment and if someone went too close to him, he would quickly go hide in another corner.

Now, we was jumping all around me and running in circles. He rarely barked, which was a good thing because that would have been a huge inconvenience for the other tenants in the apartment.

Jerome came back in the apartment, carrying a few envelopes. He was flipping through them, muttering the names of who they belonged to before coming up with one for him. He set the others on the table before opening it and pulling out a letter. "No way," Jerome said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I got invited to go to the VidGalore convention in two weeks," Jerome said.

"Can't anyone go?" I asked. "As long as you buy a ticket?"

"Yes, but they invited me to be a VIP," Jerome said. "Only selected vloggers are VIP and they take place in events such as meet and greets, panels, stuff like that." He reached into the envelope and pulled something else out. "Ooh, two VIP tickets. I think they want me to take a very special person with me. Aka Ryder."

I snorted. "Yeah, right."

"I'm kidding," Jerome said. "I'm pretty sure it's you that they want me to take with me. You want to come?"

"When and where, exactly?"

Jerome looked at the letter. "In two weeks in Orlando. It's from Friday to Sunday. Friday and Saturday are from ten in the morning to seven at night, and Sunday is from noon to four."

"I'll have to ask my parents," I said. "I'm not sure if they'll let me go to Orlando for three days."

"Well, four if we leave on Thursday so we don't have to drive early Friday morning to get there on time," Jerome said. "Call them and ask."

"I'd rather talk to them in person," I said. "It's better that way, and all my siblings have been wanting to meet Snowball."

"Okay, we can go now," Jerome said, so we both got ready to go before I put Snowball's collar on, then attached the leash. Jerome grabbed a small bag of Snowball's treats as well before we left the apartment and walked to my home.

As soon as we walked inside, Tulip ran over and Snowball immediately ran and hid in a corner. "Aww...." Tulip said with a frown. "I wanted to play with him."

"Yeah, he's a little shy," I said before looking at Dad and Mom. "Dad, Mom, I have a question. Would I be allowed to go with Jerome to the VidGalore convention in two weeks?"

"I don't see why not," Dad said.

"Hold on," Mom said. "Where is it? And how long would it be?"

"It would be from Friday to Sunday," I said. "Friday and Saturday are from ten in the morning to seven at night and Sunday is noon to four. And I'm pretty sure that Friday is actually a day off of school."

"And where is it?" Mom asked.

"Orlando," I said. "So....It's not in a different state at least. Just far away is it?"

"About three and a half hours," Jerome said. "By driving."

"Yeah, it's not too far," I said.

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