Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


       While my siblings and I were eating lunch in the school cafeteria, someone suddenly slapped down a piece of paper in front of my lunch. "What the hell is this?" the most annoying guy in the school, Felix, asked.

       I looked at the piece of paper. "Uh, that would be a flyer. Why are you asking me?"

       "Probably because it's a flyer for a Pride celebration," he said.


       "And?" he repeated. "And we don't need you shoving your choice on anybody else."

       "Back off, Felix," Orchid said. "First off, it's not a choice. Second, I'm pretty sure my brother isn't the only LGBT person in the school. And third, it was obviously from the college." She pointed at the flyer. "Right here, it says 'MDC wants to bring you Pride'. Or did you miss that because you can't read?"

       "You know what I'm going to do to you, you little b--"

       He was cut off when Atticus, like always, stood in front of him. "Hey, why don't you take your expired thoughts and leave?" 

       "Expired? Now, they're the right thoughts," Felix said. "It's simple. A man and a woman should be together."

       "Why does it matter?" Atticus said. "His sexuality doesn't concern you, so back off."

       "Felix is just upset that I'm getting more action than he is," I said.

       Which was a mistake, because the pissed off Felix a lot. He tried attacking me, but Atticus was still in the way and he was quick enough to stop Felix. "I swear, one day, I am really going to hurt you Princes," he said.

       "Oh, I can't wait," Alan said sarcastically.

       "Just get rid of these flyers," Felix said.

       "What flyers?" Atticus asked, so I handed him the flyer. "Seriously, Felix? This obviously had nothing to do with Nolan, or even the school. It says here, MDC. You know, the college? Oh, but wait. You obviously don't know the name of any colleges because you won't be able to make it in one."

       "You know what I'm going to do to you?" Felix asked. 

       "No, you know what I'm  going to do?" Atticus asked before standing on the table and cupping his hands around his mouth so he could be heard throughout the cafeteria. "Attention everyone! I have something to say!" One by one, everyone stopped talking and looking at Atticus. "My name is Atticus Smythe, and I am straight! I am just so attracted to girls!"

       "One girl in particular," Alan muttered under his breath. In response, Orchid kicked his leg, and Alan glared at her.

       "Nobody cares!" one person called.

       "Yeah, exactly!" Atticus said. "Who cares that I'm straight?! Who cares if you're gay, a lesbian, bisexual, transgender, anything?! It doesn't affect anyone else but you and the person you decide to spend the rest of your life with! I'm straight, who cares?! One of the Prince triplets is gay, who fucking cares?! He's probably been with his boyfriend longer than any of you bigots have lasted while getting laid!"

       A teacher nearby tried getting Atticus off the table, but he didn't listen.

       Atticus then looked down at me. "Hey, how long have you been with your boyfriend, exactly?"

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