Chapter 3

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Shout out to breetaylorr for the cover!

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Shout out to breetaylorr for the cover!

Chapter 3


       "Alright, everyone," my biology teacher-slash-uncle Tony said after he was finished taking attendance. "I want you all to get into groups of three and before you start, no Alan, Orchid, and Nolan. You can't be together."

       "What? Lame," Alan said.

       "You three are always together," Tony said.

       "So?" Alan asked. "The friends in this class are always together. Don't discriminate us just being we shared a womb together."

       "Yeah," Orchid said. "Besides, if what we need to do in groups of three includes meeting after school, it would make sense that we would be together because we live together. What's the point of meeting up with others when I can just work with my brothers in the comfort of my home?"

       "And Nolan is too insecure to work with others," Alan said.

       "You didn't need to point that out," I muttered.

       "Oh, and if you didn't want us to be together, you would have said for us to get into our own groups of three," Orchid said.

       Tony sighed. "Is this like a tradition for anyone in your family? To argue with me until you get your way? First your mom, then your brother, and now you? Who's next, Tulip?"

       "Yes, but not for a while because she's only in grade three," Alan said. "You got a few years o either prepare yourself or retire."

       "You know, Aunt Charlie was my teacher last year," Orchid said. "I like her better than you because she let me pair up with Nolan even though we did all the time."

       Tony rubbed his forehead. "I'm really tempted to request to the office that I no longer get any of my nieces or nephews in my class. Alright, fine, you three can be together. But I swear, argue with me again, and you will get detention."

       "Fair enough," Alan said.

       Probably not because knowing my siblings, they were going to keep arguing with our poor uncle. Tony did teach my parents during his first year as a teacher, and he ended up teaching Ryder too. Ryder wasn't too bad. He just kept trying to eat bacon flavored chips in the classroom when there was a No-Food policy.

       Tony explained to the class what we would be doing in our groups of three. We had to pick an animal and do a project on it following the outline he gave us.

       He then went around the class, letting all the groups saying what animal they chose so nobody would pick the same.

       "And I don't even have to bother asking you three," Tony said as he wrote 'Otter' in the board beside the three of our names.

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