Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


The funeral was a bit....weird. I haven't been to a funeral before since I never had anyone close to me pass away. What I was expecting because of movies and TV shows was a lot of crying and hugging. It wasn't really like that.

Grandma Gertrude was crying. None of my aunts and uncles were. They did seem a bit upset, but none of them cried. Uncle Graeme seemed the closest to it, but that was only because he was blaming himself for it, no matter how many times everyone told him it wasn't his fault. Grandpa Gary always had a lot of anger in him and if it wasn't an argument that caused the heart attack, it would have been something else.

I honestly felt a bit weird bringing Jerome to the funeral with me because he didn't really know Grandpa Gary, and Grandpa Gary didn't approve of our relationship, but Jerome insisted on coming anyway for comfort.

And I definitely needed the comfort for some odd reason.

After the funeral, I went with Jerome, Ryder, and Mae to their apartment. Jerome immediately turned on the Wii for us to play Mario Kart.

Ryder took off his black tie, hanging it over the chair in the kitchen before flopping down on the couch. "You doing okay?" Mae asked.

"Yeah, I guess," Ryder said. "It's weird not having him around. We didn't get along at all because I'm a spitting image of my dad and he hated my dad, so....I do need something to make me feel better."

"Like what?" Mae asked.

"Oh, come on, you know exactly what he's going to say," Jerome said.

"What? Bacon?" Mae asked. "Seeing Stitch?"

"Having a baby," Ryder said.

Mae stared at Ryder for a bit before grabbing a pillow and hitting him with it. "No. We are not having a baby until after university."

Ryder sighed. "I just want a baby."

"Well, it's not happening," Mae said.

"Yeah, Ryder, leave her alone," Jerome said. "You don't see me asking Nolan for us to have a baby."

"Uh....Because that's physically impossible," I said. "Literally impossible."

"....Smart ass."

"How am I a....I was just stating a fact," I said. "But seriously, Ryder, you should stop pressuring Mae to have a baby."

"Thank you," Mae said.

"Oh, come on," Ryder said. "I'll be watching the baby when you're at school, and it doesn't take me much time to finish my homework."

"Ryder, it's not raising a baby that I'm disagreeing against," Mae said. "It's literally me being pregnant for nine months while being at school. I'd have back pains, food cravings, mood swings, nausea. I know raising the baby won't be any trouble because we both will be doing it, but I do not want to be pregnant while I'm attending class because that would be affecting me a lot more than you."

"....You know you should have said that sooner," Ryder said. "I thought you just didn't want to raise a baby while we're in school. You could have said it was the pregnancy part. But let's say you won't be in school for the third trimester...."

Mae smacked Ryder with the pillow again.

"Okay, okay," Ryder said. "After we're done with school."

"He's totally going to ask again," Jerome said.

"Yeah, he will," I said.

"....I totally will."

Mae sighed. "I sometimes regret marrying you while we're in university."

"Hurtful. There's a lot of married couples in university."

"Yeah, but none of them is married to a Prince."

"What's wrong with being a Prince?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with it?" I asked. "Besides the fact that most of us are arrogant, fangirls, moody, melodramatic....Okay, I see you're point."

"Yeah, can we just play Mario Kart?" Jerome asked, but we weren't able to start because someone knocked on the door. "Unbelievable. It's like the world doesn't want me to play."

"Oh, relax," Ryder said before standing up and walking over to the door. It turned out to be Grandma Gertrude, so Ryder let her in.

"I haven't talked to either of you in a while," she said. "I wanted to see how you're doing."

"We're good," Ryder said, and I got up to walk over to them. "How about you? I know it was all of a sudden."

"It's tough," Grandma Gertrude said. "I'm still having a hard time accepting it, but I've been focusing more on trying to convince your uncle Graeme that it wasn't his fault. Anyway, how is everything? I think the last time I saw you two was at your wedding, Ryder."

"I'm doing good," he said. "A bit upset because someone doesn't want to have a baby yet."

Mae sighed. "He's never going to give up, is he?"


"What about you, Nolan?" Grandma Gertrude asked. "Your father tells me that your boyfriend makes you really happy."


"Okay, I'm sitting right here," Jerome said. "Why don't you say that to my face?"

"I'm kidding," I said. "Yeah, he's great. Amazing."

"Thank you."

Grandma Gertrude smiled softly. "Well, I know your grandfather didn't really approve of it, but I just wanted you to know that I am not one to judge at all. I can't say if it's a choice or not because really, I don't know since I'm not going through it. But I really do think it isn't a choice. Anyway, I actually have to go visit your aunt Ginny. She wants me to have dinner with her and Nick so she can tell me something."

"She's pregnant! I'm calling it now!" Jerome said.

"Uh, you don't know that," I said.

"I'm still calling it! Fifty bucks, babe."

"I'm not betting on it."

"Because you know I'm right."

"I'm ignoring you now."

Before Grandma Gertrude left, both Ryder and I gave her a hug. When she was gone, we sat down on the couch again. "Oh, by the way," Jerome said. "We're doing a video tomorrow."

"Wow, thanks for the late notice," I said. "I could have plans."

"You don't have plans."

"I don't. So, what's the video?"

"A most likely to video," Jerome said. "I got my fans to send in questions of who would most likely to do something and both you and I would have our names on a separate piece of paper and we would have to choose, separately, which one of us would be most likely to do that."

"Ooh, sounds fun," I said.


Hint hint (send in Most Likely To questions I need the plez)

I WANT MAEDER BABIES. Like omg Rhys is so cute. And Zayden. But Rhys is so cuter. (even though they're identical twins lol)

(Ginny is totally pregnant btw)(who wants to bet if it's a girl or a boy?)(i already know what it's going to be)(no not twins or triplets or anything. a single baby)(im using too many brackets)(i'm trying to avoid doing reading for a class)(this is a message in a bracket)

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