Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


       Even after the alarm clock went off, I still kept my eyes closed and hoped I could go back to sleep. It was way too hard for me to fall asleep last night, no matter how I tried.

       Jerome turned off the alarm, then shifted in the bed so he was closer to me. "Hey, you awake?" he asked.

       "No," I muttered. "I'm sleeping."

       "Well, it's nine o'clock," he said. "We've gotta get ready to go, and you need to have breakfast."

       "I don't need to have breakfast," I said. "My doctor said it's fine if I take my medication with or without food. I'm not even that hungry. Just tired."

       "How much sleep did you get last night?" Jerome asked.

       "I don't know. Like....three hours?"


       I sighed and opened my eyes before laying on my other side so I was facing Jerome. "Yeah. It's hard for me to sleep at times."

       "Oh, I'm sorry," he said. "It must be hard."

       "Yeah, it is," I said. "But these things happen."

       "You still up to going today?"

       "Yeah. I'm just going to lay in bed for a few more minutes until I feel up to getting out of bed."

       "Okay. I know there's a cafe on the way to where the convention is being held, so we can stop by there and get you some coffee....Can you even have coffee?"

       I nodded. "Yeah, but only in the mornings so it doesn't affect my sleep at night."

       Jerome gave me a small smile before giving me a quick kiss, then getting out of bed so he could get changed. I laid in bed a bit longer before pulling myself out of bed and getting changed while Jerome was in the washroom getting ready. Once he was out, I went in to get ready.

       Once I was ready, I went in my bag and got my medication to take this morning's dosage. By the time Jerome and I were both ready to go, it was around nine-thirty; perfect timing to leave. It didn't start until ten and it took about ten minutes to walk there, but Jerome said it was best for the vloggers to get there earlier if we could.

       We stopped off at the cafe on the way first and Jerome bought the both of us a cup of coffee, as well as a donut and muffin each. 

       "So what's the first event that you're in?" I asked.

       "We're in," Jerome corrected. "It's the couples contest. I'm pretty sure it's so more people would show up earlier since one, we're so cute and everyone wants to see us and two, it will add onto my and Dirk's stupid feud. And I swear, you better not get any question wrong."

       "I won't," I said. At least, I hope I wouldn't. I just found out Jerome wasn't born in Canada like I thought we was for the year and a half we had been dating.

       When we got to where the convention was being held, we had to wait in a separate line for the vloggers, which didn't take too long. When we got to the front, all we had to do was scan the VIP passes and we were in.

       A lot of people were here already, and I did recognize a lot already. I was just really hoping we wouldn't run into Dirk and Cheryl because I was not in the mood for an argument to break out between Jerome and Dirk.

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