Chapter 25

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Throwback to Maeder <3 Lol, so I attached this song because, well, you'll find out when you read the chapter. I just had to post the video with Bryles in it because they're life.

Aww, now I remember Ryder dancing to Sorry, then breaking his ankle, then becoming an arrogant piece of crap. The memories. cx

Chapter 25


       When Ryder was in the parking lot to pick up me, Alan, and Orchid from school, I was a bit confused. He never picked us up, even when Dad was stuck at work and Ryder didn't have school. We would always walk home then or take a bus, but Ryder never picked us up.

       "Why are you picking us up?" I asked.

       "Because Mom and Dad thinks it's best for you not to lock yourself in your room all day," Ryder said. "There's a performance about to happen in the courtyard at the college, so I thought I'd take you three there."

       "Oh, yes," Orchid said. "More excuses for me not to do my homework right away."

       "What is the performance for, anyway?" Alan asked.

       "It's for one of the classes," Ryder said. "Every term, all the students taking that class has to take part in a performance in the courtyard. It's worth marks, so I thought I'd take you three."

       "I'd rather just go home," I said.

       "No, you're coming with us," Orchid said. "You can't be crying in your room all day. We know you miss him, Nolan."

       "I don't miss him," I lied.

       "Don't lie to us," Alan said. "We're your siblings. We can tell. There's no way you could get over him in two weeks, especially when you're constantly wearing his hoodie. Like you are now."

       I looked down at the hoodie I was wearing, which was the one I took from Jerome. I didn't even intend on wearing it. It just became a force of habit.

       "It's the only comfy one I got," I said.

       "Right," Orchid said in a tone that told me she didn't believe me. "You're still coming with us."

       "Please, Nolan?" Ryder asked. "I want to the performance last term and it's amazing. I really, really think you'll like it."

       "Okay, fine," I said. "But only because you're the driver, so you would just choose not to drive me home and go straight to the college."

       "Well, you're right there," Ryder said. "Come on, you can sit in the front."

       Surprisingly, Alan and Orchid didn't complain about the fact that I got to sit in the front. We all got into the car and Ryder drove us to the college. When we got out and he locked the car, he led us to the courtyard where a lot of people were gathered already in a circle.

       Ryder told us that they were going to be performing in the circle so people got to see the different angles. Mae was standing at the front of the circle and Ryder told us she was saving a spot for us so we would be able to be in the front. I didn't see the big deal about being in the front of the circle. We would still be able to see and hear the performance wherever we were.

       I was still wondering what kind of performance it was. Ryder was refusing to tell us.

       Well, once it started, I knew why he was refusing to tell us.

       Because it was one for a dance class.

       That Jerome was in.

       "Are you serious?" I asked Ryder. "Why would you bring me here? Forget it, I'm leaving."

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