Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


       I was a bit nervous for today, to be honest. It was the male solo qualifier and even though I had been practicing a lot and I was given the OK by my doctor, I was worried I would hurt myself while performing. I mean, the last time I performed, I hurt my ankle.

       So I was a lot more nervous than I normally was before a performance.

       "Stop worrying," Nolan said while we were waiting for the competition to start. "You're going to do fine."

       "You know what people told me before the last performance I did?" I asked. "We're going to do fine. And what happened? I twisted my ankle. You just jinxed it. I'm going to twist my ankle again. Some boyfriend you are."

      Nolan sighed. "You're not going to twist you're ankle again, Jerome. You've practiced so many times and you've done amazing. You're going to kill it, so stop worrying."

       "I'm worrying. I'm worrying and I'm going to twist my ankle again and nothing you say will change that."

       "Jerome, seriously, you're freaking out over nothing," Nolan said, cupping my face in his hands. "You're going to not only kill it, but you're going to win the title again. You're really not going to hurt your ankle if you dance the exact same way you did. So please, stop freaking out."

       "I'm freaking out."

       "Alright, what's it going to take for you to stop freaking out?"

       "Ooh, a kiss."

       Nolan snorted. "Yeah, I was going to give you a good luck kiss anyway. Hey, why don't I film your dance for you for your vlog channel? Will you do better knowing all your fans will watch it?"

       "Yes, I'll totally do better knowing more people will watch it....Actually, that will help." I took off my backpack and grabbed my vlogging camera. "This is my baby. You break it, I break you." He reached to grab it, but I pulled it back and held it close to me. "I'm serious."

       "I'm not going to break it, Jerome," Nolan said. "You trust me, right?"

       "Yes, but...."

       "But nothing," Nolan said. "I'm not going to break it." I sighed and handed it over to him, but I didn't let go once he grabbed it. "Jerome, seriously, let go. I'm not going to break it."

       "I know, but I'm clingy. I need my baby."

       "Jerome, just let go," he said, but I still didn't. I couldn't part with my camera, even if it was just for the competition and my boyfriend was going to be the one using. "Jerome, come on, you're going to have to get ready like any minute now."

       I sighed and finally let go of my camera. "Take care of my camera."

       "You're overreacting."

       "I'm not. I'm....underreacting."

       "That's not a thing."

       "Who are you to tell me what is and isn't a thing? Don't be rude." 

       I got a text message, so I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at what it said. "I'm guessing it's Ryder telling you that you should be backstage right now?" Nolan asked.

       "Correct," I said. "So I guess I'll see you after. I'll take that good luck kiss now."

       Nolan smiled and gave me a quick kiss. "Good luck."

       "That's it? Just a simple kiss?"

       "Yes, now go," he said, gently pushing me in the direction of the auditorium. 

       "Fine, I'm going, I'm going," I said. "And remember, don't break my camera."

       "I'm not going to break your camera," Nolan said. "Give it a rest."

       "I'm serious. You break it and I--"

       "For the love of....If I give you another kiss, will you stop with the whole camera thing?"

       "Ooh, yes."

       Nolan sighed and gave me another kiss, this one way better than the last one. When he pulled away, I pulled him back to me.

       "Jerome, stop making out with my brother and get backstage," Ryder suddenly said from behind me.

       I pulled away from Nolan and glared at Ryder. "Buzzkill."

       "Seriously, you do have to go backstage," Nolan said. "And now, I'm going to walk away before you tell me not to break your camera."

       As he walked away, I called after him, "If you break it, I will break up with you!"

       "You too overprotective of your camera," Ryder said. "The competition is going to start in five minutes and you're one of the first performers, so you really have to get ready."

       "It won't take me long to get ready," I said.

       It kind of did.

       I was ready right as the dance before me ended.

       "Seriously?" Ryder said when I walked up to him on the side of the stage. "You're up next!"

       "Oh shush, I'm on time," I said. 

       My name was then called for the next dance, so I got onto the stage and the first place I planned. And that was when all the nerves came rushing back.

       Before the music started, I looked in the audience and spotted Nolan sitting with his family, the camera pointed at me. He noticed me looking and he gave me a smile and I smiled back before the music started.

       I gave everything I got into the dance. Everything I ever felt these past couple weeks. Everything.

       And I thankfully didn't end up hurting my ankle again.

      When I finished my dance, I went backstage and moments later, Nolan was there. He rushed over and wrapped his arms around me. "That was amazing," he said. Then he pulled away. "And you're sweaty. Gross."

       "Don't be mean to me," I said. 

       Nolan rolled his eyes. "Seriously, I'm not hugging you anymore when you're all sweaty. I hate sweat."

       "You're still mean. Did I really do good?"

       "I told you, you did amazing," he said. "You definitely killed it."

       "Thanks, babe."

       "You will never stop that, will you?"


       Nolan stayed backstage with me for the rest of the performances, claiming he wanted to be the first one to hug me once I was announce the winner. He was way too confident in me.

       Well, that confidence actually worked, because I did place first.

       So when I got backstage, Nolan gave me another hug. "What happened to the sweat?" I asked.

       "Who cares? You won," Nolan said. "I'm really proud of you."



Ugh, I might not even be able to update any of my books tomorrow because I have to work on a review for a play I have to read, plus I have to write a 2000 word essay or whatever it is about one of the courses I'm in, and I have to cite four sources. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I'M GOING TO CITE. (Supernatural is the only thing I know for sure, but idk how to cite TV shows. :/ I'll just have to pick one episode BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH SOMEONE HALP.)

And the song attached is a remix of Amnesia aka the song Jerome danced to.

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