Chapter 10

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Lol, there are some more French in the chapters and there will be translations in the A/N.

Chapter 10


       I was glad I had my memory back. Well, most of my memory. I still didn't remember the most recent events. The last thing I remember was winning the Internationals title again, even after I stumbled and hurt my ankle. Between that and me waking up in the hospital, it was all blurry.

       I tried getting Nolan to tell me exactly what happened and how I got to the hospital, but he wasn't telling me everything. All he said was I was hit by a car during the Pride celebration at my school, but I knew him well enough. He wasn't tell me the truth.

        Right now, I was sitting on my couch with Nolan, watching my vlogs after Internationals, but I still didn't remember any of it. I didn't mind too much. As long as I remembered Nolan -and my shovel- than I was happy.

       The door to the apartment walked in and Mae walked in quite angrily with Ryder following. "Come on, Mae, don't be mad at me," he said, closing the door behind him.

       "I told you, Ryder, it's not happening until after we're done university," she said.

       "But I want a baby."

       "Yeah, so do I but I would rather focus on university and our marriage first before we have a baby," she said.

       "Oh, come on, my parents had me during university and they weren't even married," Ryder said. "And they're still happily in love with seven kids, probably more. Can we please have a baby? We can try right now?"

       "I did not want to hear that, thanks," Nolan said.

       Ryder ignored his brother and curled his lips into a pout as he looked at Mae. "Please? I'll love you forever if we have one."

       "If you can be the pregnant one, then sure," Mae said.

       "Come on, that's not fair. All I want is a baby to hold. William is getting too old and I barely see him. I need my baby fix."

       "Just go to the hospital's nursery and hold a random baby," I suggested.

       "We can do that?" Ryder asked.

      "Yeah, so long as you don't get caught," I said. "You can technically do what you want as long as you don't get caught. Well, that's if you don't have a strong conscience."

       "I don't think you should be a motivational speaker," Nolan said. "You would probably be telling everyone that you can break the laws if the cops aren't around the catch you."

       "What? I would not....Yeah, I totally would," I said. "Hey, in my defense, I was poor and that chocolate bar looked so good."

       "Wait, what?" 

       "What? I didn't say anything."

       "You stole a chocolate bar before?"

       "What are you talking about? I didn't even say chocolate bar."


       There was a sudden knock on the door, thankfully. "Sorry, I'm too busy answering the door," I said, getting up and walking over to get out of the conversation since I hated answering the door.

       Especially when it was my parents.

       I sighed. "Can you two just go back to Quebec and not bother me at all?"

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