Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


       It was the very last day of the convention, and I was only scheduled for one event. Well, Nolan too. This one was another question panel, but this time it was for the top five couples on VidGalore.

       Meaning I was going to have to look at Dirk's face again.


       Nolan and I got there as early as we could so we were able to choose a spot to sit in. Nolan wanted to sit on the very end since, again, he didn't get much sleep and he wasn't really in the mood to be around anyone. Luckily this event was right away so afterwards, we could start heading back to Miami instead of staying here until the end.

       He kept trying to convince me to stay for until the very end because he knew how much I wanted to be here, but there wasn't anything special going on after the question panel. If Nolan wasn't in the mood to stay around for too long, then we weren't going to stay. It was as simple as that.

       Dirk and Cheryl ended up being the last couple to show up and the last two seats just happened to be the one beside mine. I swear, everyone was trying to tempt me to get into a fight with him, which was going to happen soon enough.

       When the panel officially started, one of my Jeromas was the first to ask a question and decided to be awesome and throw some shade at Dirk and Cheryl. After being called on, she stood up and said, "My question is for Dirk and Cheryl. So, when you were watching the Top Ten Cutest Couples video, how did you feel coming in second?"

       "We were shocked, obviously," Dirk said. "I mean, we were in first place every year since we started dating, then these two come out of nowhere and snatched first place. I haven't even heard of them before Cheryl and I watched the video. We should have been in first."

       "Really?" I asked. "Because the couples contest says otherwise. You didn't even know what makes your girlfriend the happiest."

       "It was a vague question," Dirk said.

       "Not really," I said. "Happiest, meaning the most one could be happy. I don't see how that's vague."

       "Would you stay out of it?" Cheryl asked. "The question was for us, not you."

       "Hey, I was just defending my and Nolan's honor when your boyfriend said we shouldn't have been in first," I said.


       That was a sign you won an argument, when all your opponent could say is whatever.

       Someone else was called to ask a question. "This one is for Jerome," he said. "So, in a lot of your videos, you talk about how your parents don't accept you for being gay and you don't have a good relationship with them. I know being gay isn't a choice, but let's say it was. Would you change it just to have a relationship with your parents again?"

       "Nope," I said. "If they're not going to accept me for who I am now, then there's no point of me changing who I am just for them. Besides, how could I ever choose to be attracted to girls when I have the perfect boyfriend?"

       Nolan smiled slightly and looked down as a lot of people gushed. He was even more adorable when he was shy.

       When someone else was called, yet another Jerome because they're awesome, she said, "This question is for Nolan and Jerome. What is your favorite thing about each other?"

        "Favorite thing as in physical attribute or personality-wise?" I asked.

        "Uh....How about both?"

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