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'Hey, maybe next month.' Joe says as tears fall down Demi's cheeks and she shakes her head.

'You said that last month.' She mumbles as he wraps his arms around her.

'I know. We knew this wasn't going to be easy, Dems. This is only our fourth month of trying.' He says glancing at the negative pregnancy test by the bathroom sink. It's been a year since Demi moved in with Joe and in September they decided to start trying for a baby. They're both completely aware that it could take longer for them to conceive but that doesn't stop Demi's heart breaking every time she gets a negative test.

'What if it doesn't happen?' She asks and he shakes his head.

'We're not going to think about that. This only month four; remember what the doctor said? Six months and then we'll go to the clinic.' He replies causing her to sigh.

'We've hardly been preventing it though. I think the last time we used anything was March.' She says and he nods his head.

'I know. I know but I promise we'll have a family it just might take us a little longer.' He replies.

'This sucks.' She mumbles and he kisses the top of her head.

'Let's go lie down.' He says running his hand down her back.

'You've got the studio.' She replies and he shakes his head.

'You're far more important than the studio...' He says. He guides her back to the bedroom and they both lie down.

'I always tell myself I'm not going to get my hopes up but I just can't help myself.' She admits and he pulls her closer to him.

'I know. I do as well... Get some sleep, Dems. I'll be here when you wake up.' He says as she yawns. He uses his thumb to gently wipe the tears off her cheeks as she closes her eyes.

'What would I do without you?' She mumbles causing him to smile.

'You'll never have to find out.' He says softly.


It's a little after 10am when Demi makes her way downstairs. She's got one of Joe's t-shirts on and a blanket wrapped tightly around her shoulders.

'Hey, baby.' Joe says as she walks into the kitchen.

'Hi. I'm sorry I was such a mess this morning.' She replies and he shakes his head.

'You've got nothing to apologise for. You're right; this whole situation fucking sucks but I promise we'll do this. We'll have a family.' He says as she steps towards him.

'You can go to the studio if you want? I'll be okay.' She says as he wraps his arms around her waist.

'No. We're going to have a day together just the two of us. I thought I could make us some pancakes and we could curl up on the sofa and watch those crime shows you like?' He suggests causing her to smile.

'That would be great.' She says resting her head against his chest.

'We should go on holiday.' He says resting his head against hers.

'Mm... Somewhere quiet.' She replies and he nods his head.

'Just the two of us.' He adds.

'Sounds great to me. I'll go set up the sofa and you can make pancakes.' She says leaning up to kiss him.


Knock. Knock. Knock.

'Ugh... Can you try get rid of them? I really don't feel like talking to people today.' Demi says as she moves away from Joe and watches as he stands up.

'I'll try, babe. Maybe you should go hide just in case I can't?' He suggests and she shakes her head.

'Can't be bothered moving; I'll just pretend to be asleep.' She replies smiling. He makes his way to the front door and opens it to reveal his older brother and his family.

'Uncle Joe!' Alena shouts launching herself into Joe's arms.

'Hey, we heard that you cancelled studio today... Everything okay?' Kevin asks and Joe smiles at Alena.

'Yeah; Demi's not well. I thought I'd stay home and look after her. Come on in.' Joe replies. They all make their way through to the living room where Demi is lying on the sofa pretending to be asleep.

'She okay?' Danielle asks and Joe shrugs his shoulders.

'She's just really tired and she's had this awful headache.' He lies.

'Do you know what the last thing she needs is our crazy two around if she's sick... We'll leave you two alone but come visit when she's better, yeah?' Danielle says adjusting Valentina on her hip as Kevin reaches for Alena.

'Are you sure? You can stay I'm sure Demi would love to see you all.' Joe replies and Danielle shakes her head.

'We'll see you soon.' Danielle says. Joe walks them to the front door and waves to them as their car pulls out of the driveway before making his way back to Demi.

'You okay?' He asks sitting down beside her.

'Mm...' She replies quietly. Instantly she curls into his side and closes her eyes.

'I know this sounds horrible but sometimes I look at people with kids and I feel so jealous... I feel so jealous that they get to have babies and we're here so ready for a baby yet we can't seem to conceive. Does that make me a horrible person?' She asks.

'No, not at all. I get jealous of other people as well.' He replies.

'I see people announcing their pregnancies on Instagram and it breaks my heart... Don't get me wrong I'm so happy for them but it hurts.' She admits and he nods his head.

'I know and that's okay.' He says. Sighing she lets her head rest against his chest as he softly draws patterns on her lower back.

'We'll be okay.' He almost whispers.

I fully intend to change the cover for this book once I get a new tablet so just ignore that for now.

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