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'How you feeling this morning?' Joe asks as Demi rolls onto her side to face him.

'Good, really good actually.' She replies smiling at him.

'I didn't hear you throw up last night.' He says and she shakes her head.

'I didn't.' She replies.

'That's good. Are you hungry?' He asks.

'I could eat.' She replies causing him to smile as he kisses the top of her head.

'I'll make you breakfast before I go to the gym. What do you want?' He asks and she shrugs her shoulders.

'Anything but eggs.' She replies.

'Okay, no eggs.' He says smiling. He climbs out of bed and watches as she stretches her arms above her head. Grinning he grabs his phone and quickly takes a picture as she covers her face before uploading it to Instagram.

'Waking up to this beauty every morning is everything I've ever dreamed of

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'Waking up to this beauty every morning is everything I've ever dreamed of... One day I'll make you my wife, one day!'

'You're so cheesy!' Demi says glancing at her phone as it vibrates with a notification that Joe's posted a picture.

'You love it.' He replies and she smiles.

'Of course I do.' She says rolling onto her side. She quickly likes the picture before scrolling through the rest of her feed.


'You're back.' Demi says grinning as Joe makes his way into the bedroom; it's been a little over two hours since he made her breakfast and went to work out.

'And you're still in bed.' He replies.

'Hey! I'm growing our child, you can't complain that I spend too much time in bed.' She says pouting at him.

'I'm not complaining. I made a little detour on the way home and I think you might kill me but I couldn't resist.' He says holding up a Disney bag.

'What've you bought?' She asks watching as he reaches into the bag.

'For the baby.' He replies pulling out a medium sized Thumper toy.


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'Joe... We said we weren't going to buy anything. I'm only like seven weeks, something could still go wrong.' Demi says biting her bottom lip.

'You need to stop thinking negatively. Nothing is going to go wrong.' He replies sitting down on the edge of the bed as she takes the soft toy from his hands.

'It is pretty cute. Maybe we could use it when we decide to announce the pregnancy?' She suggests and he nods his head.

'Yeah. When are you wanting to do that?' He asks.

'Not for a while... Once I'm past the twelve week mark we can talk about it. We've not even told our families yet.' She replies and he nods his head.

'I know. You still feeling okay?' He asks and she shrugs her shoulders.

'I was sick while you were gone, just the once though.' She replies causing him to sigh.

'Couldn't keep your breakfast down then? Do you want me to make you something else?' He asks and she shakes her head.

'No. I made some toast and I was able to keep that and some water down so I'm okay for now.' She replies patting the space beside her.

'Come cuddle?' She says and he smiles.

'I'm gonna take a shower then I can cuddle, okay? I stink after that work out.' He replies.

'Okay. Be quick.' She says smiling up at him. He gently moves some hair out of her face before leaning down to kiss her.

'I love you.' He says resting his forehead against hers.

'I love you more... Now go, you stink.' She replies smiling. Moving off the bed he makes his way to the bathroom as she picks up her phone and begins to read a message from Madison.

From Maddie :
Hey! How are you? When are you coming home to visit?xxx

To Maddie :
I'm fine, I had food poisoning but I'm getting over it finally! We'll come visit soon, I'm sure. Maybe after Valentines Day xx


Making his way out of the bathroom Joe smiles slightly as he sees Demi fast asleep curled up in bed with Thumper cuddled to her chest. He knows that she's very cautious about this pregnancy and although he tries his best to stay positive he is also terrified. A baby is something that they've both wanted for the longest time and he's terrified that it could all just be ripped away from them in an instant.

'Joe...' She mumbles sleepily as he climbs into bed beside her.

'Hey, it's only me... Go back to sleep. We can get some lunch when you wake up.' He says. Loosening her grip on Thumper she lets him fall to the ground before rolling onto her side and snuggling into him.

'Go back to sleep, baby... I've got you and I'm not going anywhere.' He whispers, his fingers gently running through her hair as she closes her eyes again. He never thought he'd be lucky enough to get a second chance with Demi; he knew he fucked up when they were younger but this time he is going to do everything he can to make sure that he never loses her because there is no way he could live without her, not now.

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