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'I think we should invite both our families out for a few days and tell them about the baby.' Demi says.

'Okay... When do you want to do it?' Joe asks and she shrugs her shoulders.

'I don't know. Part of me is terrified that if we tell people then it'll all go wrong but I don't want to not tell our families.' She replies lifting Batman onto her knee.

'I get that. I just think that if something was to go wrong it would be good for us to have our families around us.' He says.

'I guess... I know we agreed that we'd wait but I think we should decide what we're going to do about the whole house situation?' She suggests.

'Well obviously we're going to need more room at some point.' He says as she kisses the top of Batman's head.

'We could start looking? Obviously we've got time before we need to move but I don't think there is any harm in looking?' She replies.

'We can look and if we find something then great. We could also consider just looking for land and building our own place?' He suggests causing her to smile.

'I like that idea.' She replies.

'Why don't we invite both our families over next week? That way we'll have had the eight week scan and know everything is still going the way it's supposed to be.' He says and she nods her head.

'That sounds like a good idea.' She replies smiling. Grabbing his phone he smiles and quickly takes a photo of her before she even notices.

'So, what are you wanting to do today?' He asks

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'So, what are you wanting to do today?' He asks.

'I don't know. I'm sick of being stuck in the house all the time.' She replies and he nods his head.

'We'll get out of the house for a while then.' He says.


'There's no harm in looking, right? We're not buying.' Demi says as she glances at the baby section.

'We can look.' Joe replies nodding his head. They slowly make their way over to the baby section and Demi instantly smiles as she glances around the section.

'Oh Joe, look!' She says grinning as she holds up a two pack of little white Winnie the Pooh sleepsuits.

'They're adorable.' He replies smiling as he sees the sparkle in her eye.

'I've been thinking about names.' She says quietly and he tilts his head to the side.

'You have?' He asks and she nods her head.

'I've got a few ideas... We can speak about it later. I need to pee.' She says glancing around in an attempt to locate the bathrooms. She hands the basket to Joe as she spots the toilets before making her way towards them. Smiling Joe continues to look around the section, picking up a little cream snowsuit and holding it out in front of him. It's hard to believe that in 33 weeks they'll have a little person who'll fit into things like this.


'Joe...' Demi says quietly as she makes her way towards him, tears threatening to fall from her eyes as she bites her bottom lip.

'What's wrong?' He asks instantly dropping the basket and wrapping his arm around her waist.

'I'm bleeding.' She replies unable to stop the tears streaming down her cheeks.

'Okay. Let's go see Dr Montgomery.' He says using his thumb to wipe her cheeks. She nods her head and watches as he grabs the basket before making his way over to a nearby sales assistant.

'Hi, I was wondering if you could help me. We were planning on buying these items but there's been an emergency and we need to leave immediately. I don't want to just leave the basket.' Joe says watching as the sales assistant stares at him, her eyes wide with shock.

'Y-I... I'll put it back.' She replies and Joe smiles.

'Thank you so much.' He says. He hands her the basket before rushing back to Demi.

'Let's go, babe.' He says softly wrapping his arm around her waist and guiding her out of the store.

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