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'We need to go shopping for groceries... We don't have much here.' Joe says as Demi groans and stretches her legs out until they're resting across his thighs.

'Can't we just order in and go tomorrow?' She asks.

'What are we going to eat for breakfast tomorrow?' He asks and she sighs.

'I don't know I just don't want to go out.' She replies causing him to smile.

'Okay. What do you want to do then?' He asks and she glances at the laptop.

'Help me order some maternity clothes?' She suggests.

'Okay. Let's do that.' He replies. He grabs the laptop and she instantly moves so she's leaning against his side staring at the laptop on his knee.

'I mean I probably won't fit into any of the clothes just now but I'd rather have them in before I actually need them.' She says and he nods his head.

'That makes sense. You've not really got much of a bump yet, have you?' He asks and she shakes her head.

'Nope. Now that all the bloating has gone I'm pretty much just back to how I normally am.' She replies.

'I spoke to Dr Montgomery the other day about my medication and whether I'll be able to breastfeed.' She says.

'Yeah? What did she say?' He asks.

'She said the medication I'm on just now is safe for breastfeeding so I could stay on this if I decide to breastfeed.' She replies and he nods his head.

'That's good... Are you wanting to breastfeed?' He asks.

'I don't know. I know it's best for the baby and I know they say it creates this amazing bond... I do want what's best for bug but-' She begins and he shakes his head.

'What's best for baby is having a happy, content mommy and being fed whether that's from a bottle or not.' He says and she smiles slightly.

'So you wouldn't think I was an awful mom if I chose to bottle feed?' She asks and he shakes his head.

'Of course I wouldn't. I know you're going to be the most amazing mom and our little one will be so lucky to have you.' He replies.

'Thank you.' She says quietly as she glances up at him.

'Stop worrying... Everything is going to be just fine.' He replies.


'So what's your plan for after baby's born?' Joe asks, his hand softly brushing against her stomach as she lies beside him.

'I don't know. I don't want to have nannies, Joe... I want us to raise this baby on our own.' She replies and he nods his head.

'Well I'm not going to tour for a while.' He says causing her to smile slightly.

'I think I'm going to take a year off and then maybe I'll slowly ease my way back into it... We're so lucky that we're able to take time off work and I want to make the most of that.' She replies.

'That sounds good. I'll probably still have the odd show and studio time but I will take as much time off as I can.' He says kissing the side of her head.

'We should start decorating the nursery when we get home.' She says and he nods his head.

'We will. We need to decide whether we want to find out the gender at our next scan.' He replies.

'I know. We can think about that neither the time... I find it so hard to believe that there was a time I thought I could live without you.' She says causing him to smile.

'I guess we just needed to find our way back to each other.' He replies and she nods her head.

'I guess we did.' She says softly.

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