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'You look exhausted...' Joe says gently pushing some hair out of Demi's face as she struggles to keep her eyes open.
'Oh thanks! Good morning to you as well.' She mumbles reaching her hand over to rub her eyes.

'Morning, beautiful...' He says leaning down and kissing the top of her head.

'You were right, I'm exhausted.' She admits causing him to laugh.

'Go back to sleep? We've got time before our parents arrive.' He says and she shakes her head.

'No. I want to cuddle. I feel like it's been forever since we just had a cuddle morning.' She replies and he smiles.

'Then cuddle we will do... How's bug?' He asks and her hand brushes across her stomach.

'Bug's doing fine, I think. I can't wait until I can feel her kicking so I know that she's actually still alive.' She replies rolling onto her side to face him.

'Okay. One, you need to stop freaking out. I'm pretty sure bug is still very much alive in there. Two, she? Isn't it too early to tell?' He asks and she smiles.

'I just hate calling our baby it so I'm probably gonna refer to bug as a she from now on.' She replies shrugging her shoulders. It's been a few days since the scare and they've invited both of their families over for the weekend so they can surprise them with the news. They had their eight week scan yesterday and although she's still been spotting on and off everything with baby seems fine so they've decided it's okay to tell their families.

'You feeling sick?' He asks.

'Little bit. I can't wait until we can actually go shopping.' She says glancing over at the Thumper toy which is sitting on top of dresser.

'I know... Just a few more weeks and then we can go crazy.' He replies smiling.


Knock. Knock. Knock.

'I don't want to move.' Demi moans as she lets her arm rest across Joe's chest causing him to smile.

'I'll go see who it is.' He says kissing the top of her head before gently rolling her off him. He makes his way downstairs and opens the front door coming face to face with Dianna and Eddie.

'Hi, come on in.' He says smiling.

'Where's Demi?' Dianna asks as they make their way into the living room.

'Upstairs. You can go up if you want.' Joe replies smiling. Nodding her head Dianna turns and makes her way upstairs.


'Hey...' Dianna says smiling as she makes her way into the bedroom.

'Hi.' Demi replies.

'What's going on, baby girl? We've been so worried about you?' Dianna asks.

'Nothing.' Demi replies and Dianna shakes her head.

'We're not stupid, Demi. You're pale, you look exhausted. Joe cancelled all his interviews for some family emergency and you announced that you're taking a break... What's going on?' Dianna asks and Demi sighs.

'I'm pregnant.' Demi replies quietly.

'Oh my god!' Dianna says causing Demi to smile.

'We're planning on telling everyone tonight so don't say a word...' Demi replies and Dianna instantly hugs her daughter as tears stream down her cheeks.

'How far along are you?' Dianna asks.

'I was 8 weeks yesterday.' Demi replies.

'Why did Joe cancel everything?' Dianna asks and Demi sighs.

'It's been rough. I had been throwing up to the point that I got dehydrated and passed out. He wanted to make sure I was alright.' Demi replies causing Dianna to smile.

'Congratulations, baby girl! I'm so happy for you.' Dianna says and Demi smiles.

'If you go in the drawer on my dressing table there is some scan pictures.' Demi replies. Making her way over to the dressing table Dianna smiles as she pulls open the drawer and lifts out three scan pictures.

'Oh my goodness... This is beyond amazing.' Dianna says staring down at the pictures as she wipes the tears from her cheeks.

'You need to act surprised later when we reveal it.' Demi says and Dianna nods her head.

'Of course I will... How are you feeling?' Dianna asks making her way back over to the bed.

'Awful. I didn't realise that being pregnant would be so triggering.' Demi admits glancing down at her still flat stomach.

'What do you mean?' Dianna asks reaching for her daughter's hand as tears fill Demi's eyes.

'I-I... The constant throwing up. I feel so bloated and I just- I know that it'll all be worth it in the end and I know that I'm not getting fat, I'm growing a baby but it's really hard.' Demi almost whispers causing Dianna to sigh.

'Oh sweetheart... Have you spoke to Joe about this?' Dianna asks and Demi shakes her head.

'I'm scared, mom. What if he thinks I'll be a crappy mom because of this.' Demi replies.

'Demi, that man loves you anyone can see that. You need to speak to him if you want this relationship to work.' Dianna says and Demi nods her head.

'I do want this relationship to work I'm just...' Demi begins before sighing.

'You're hormonal, scared and overwhelmed, that's completely okay. You are allowed to feel like that. Being pregnant is a huge thing and it's a scary thing but if you're going to make it through this you need to speak to Joe.' Dianna says and Demi nods her head.

'Yeah... I guess.' Demi replies quietly.

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