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'What you doing up?' Joe asks sleepily making his way into the kitchen where Demi is leaning on the counter.

'Just thinking.' She replies quietly.

'About what?' He asks wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder.

'Life. I know we've only been trying for four months and I'm not completely writing it off but what if we don't conceive? We need to think about our options.' She replies.

'What options?' He asks.

'Well there's things like ivf, adoption... That sort of thing.' She replies.

'Okay... Are those things you'd like to look into just now?' He asks.

'Yeah. I know we might conceive but I just think if we look into adoption or that then at least we've got that.' She replies and he nods his head.

'Okay. We can do that in the morning but for now you need to get some sleep because you barely slept last night and now it's 4am and you're awake.' He says as she turns around in his arms.

'That's not the only thing bothering you though, is it?' He asks and she shakes her head.

'I don't know. I just feel like shit and I can't sleep.' She admits.

'Okay. Let's go research our options right now.' He says kissing the top of her head.

'It's okay... You should go to bed.' She replies and he shakes his head.

'No. We're going to do some research until you're tired; I'll make coffee, you go set the laptop up.' He says.


'Is adoption something you'd like to do?' Joe asks as Demi curls into his side.

'Yeah... I mean look at all those poor kids who just need a loving home; we could give them that.' Demi replies.

'I know but don't you want a child that's biologically ours?' He asks.

'Of course I do but why can't we have both? Think of the life we could give a child?' She says and he smiles.

'We can have both if that's what you want.' He replies.

'I do... Maybe we could try for our own baby first and if nothing has happened this time next year we can look more into adoption?' She suggests.

'That sounds like a good idea.' He says.

'Have you got studio tomorrow? Well today technically?' She asks and he shakes his head.

'No. I've got today off.' He replies.

'We could go visit Kevin and Danielle if they're not doing anything?' She says and he smiles.

'If you're feeling up to it of course we can...' He replies and she nods her head.

'I'd really like to.' She says smiling.

'Okay. I'll phone them when it's a decent hour. Are you hungry?' He asks.

'It's 5am, Joe.' She says and he nods his head.

'I know but we're both awake and I'm hungry so are you hungry?' He asks.

'I could eat.' She replies.

'Pancakes okay?' He asks.

'Pancakes sound great.' She replies. He kisses the top of her head and slowly gets off the sofa making his way to the kitchen. Placing the laptop on the table she sighs and tilts her head back to rest it against the back of the sofa; she's been awake for three hours now and she knows she'll regret it later but she just kept having these vivid dreams which were so strange.

'Demi, choc chip or plain?' Joe asks from the kitchen.

'I'm not fussed. Whatever you're having.' She replies.


'These look delicious, babe

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'These look delicious, babe.' Demi says smiling as Joe places a plate of pancakes in front of her.

'You don't have to eat them all if there's too many. I just didn't know how hungry you were.' He replies.

'All of a sudden I'm exhausted.' She admits causing him to smile. 

'Well eat up and then we can go for a sleep.' He says.

'I had a dream... It was really weird actually.' She says quietly glancing down at her plate.

'Do you want to tell me about it?' He asks and she takes a deep breath.

'We were in a room, it was so light and everything was white. Someone gave us a child, literally handed me a child but it wasn't a baby. He was maybe about two or three and he was adorable, Joe. It just made me think that maybe I'm not meant to carry our child? Maybe someone else is.' She says.

'And that's what got you thinking about adoption?' He asks and she nods her head.

'I do want to try have our own child but it was just such a weird dream.' She replies.

'So what did this little boy look like?' He asks and he doesn't miss the smile that appears on her face.

'He had blonde hair and he was the cutest little person ever, Joe. He cuddled right into me and he was so sweet.' She replies.

'You really want this, don't you?' He asks and she nods her head.

'I do. I'm just scared it'll never happen.' She replies quietly.

'It'll happen... One way or another it'll happen.' He says.

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