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'Joe, I- I don't even know what to say. This is amazing and everything I wanted.' Demi says glancing around the dressing room as Joe stands in the doorway behind her.

'I can't take all the credit... Dallas, Madison and your mom were a great help with this place.' Joe replies causing her to smile.

'It's perfect.' She almost whispers.

'I wanted you to have somewhere to come to just chill out. I know once bug comes things will be crazy and I just thought it would be good for you to have your own little room to come relax or get ready in.' He explains.

'I don't know what I ever done without you.' She says turning around to face him.

'Hey, what are these tears for?' He asks reaching up to wipe her cheeks.

'I don't know why I'm so emotional.' She admits causing him to laugh.

'Happy tears though, yeah?' He says and she nods her head.

'So happy.' She replies as he wraps his arms around her waist.

'So how did your shopping trip go?' He asks kissing the top of her head.

'Fine. I got one of those pillows that Danielle suggested.' She replies resting her head against his chest.

'That's good. Anything else?' He asks and she shakes her head.

'I was thinking we could go together when you're not busy.' She replies.

'Of course we can.' He says smiling.


'Madison was asking me about a baby shower again today.' Joe says and Demi sighs.

'I really don't want one but I don't want to hurt them by telling them I don't want one.' Demi admits rolling onto her side so she's facing him.

'You don't want one at all?' He asks and she shrugs her shoulders.

'I wouldn't mind a small lunch with like close friends and family but not a huge baby shower.' She replies.

'Then why don't you just tell her that. Tell her that she can plan a lunch and let her know who you want to be there.' He suggests and she nods her head.

'I guess I could do that.' She says quietly.

'Are you coming to the show tonight?' He asks and she shrugs her shoulders.

'I don't know. It depends how I'm feeling later.' She replies smiling slightly.

'Okay. Don't force yourself to if you aren't feeling good.' He says and she nods her head.

'I won't... We should look at some stuff online. Kels and I spotted a bassinet today that was good.' She replies watching as he instantly reaches for the laptop.

'Okay then. Let's have a look.' He says. They get online and begin looking through the stuff online before Demi finds the bassinet she was looking for.

'That's the one! It spins around and one of the sides lowers down so you can easily get the baby

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'That's the one! It spins around and one of the sides lowers down so you can easily get the baby.' She explains gesturing to the screen.

'That's a good one. We could look more into it... I mean we've still got a while before we actually need to order anything.' He says and she nods her head.

'Yeah... We should go shopping for clothes this week though.' She replies smiling.


'I didn't know you were coming tonight.' Danielle says smiling as Demi slides into the seat beside her.

'I wasn't sure if I was going to. Planning ahead is a bit of a hit and miss with this sickness.' Demi replies.

'Still bad?' Danielle asks and Demi nods her head.

'Yeah. It's not as bad as it was but it's still an everyday occurrence.' Demi replies.

'How's Joe doing? I always knew you'd be the one to settle him down.' Danielle says and Demi smiles.

'He's great. He's so excited.' Demi admits glancing over at the stage as the lights dim.

'That's good. I'm so happy for you both.' Danielle replies.

So I can't quite remember whether I had Nick dating someone in WWWY; I know I had him seeing someone at the very beginning but does anyone remember if I actually named her?

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