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So I'm not entirely happy with this chapter but I found it really hard to write so it's pretty short but I hope you enjoy it anyway.

'You okay?' Joe asks making his way into the kitchen where Demi is leaning against the worktop.

'Mm... The smell of that cheese is making me want to throw up.' She replies smiling slightly as he wraps his arms around her waist and rests his head on her shoulder.

'Want me to get rid of it?' He asks and she nods her head.

'If nobody's eating it.' She replies. Joe's family arrived just over an hour ago along with Madison, Dallas, Kelsey and Marissa; they're just waiting on the right moment to announce their news.

'I'll get rid of it... How's bug?' He asks kissing her cheek as she tilts her head to the side.

'Bug will be a whole lot better if you throw that cheese in the bin outside.' She replies causing him to smile.

'Alright... Give me a minute.' He says.

'Bug will also be good if we tell everyone so I don't have to keep hiding out in the kitchen when I feel like I'm going to throw up.' She adds.

'Okay. Let me get rid of the cheese and then we can tell everyone.' He replies.

'I love you.' She says.

'I love you too.' He replies.


'We got some pictures done this weekend, would you like to see?' Demi asks glancing at their families who nod their heads. She turns to Joe and nods her head as he sets the video to play. Pictures of Demi and Joe fills the screen as a soft tune plays behind them. The couple watch as their families stare at the screen, smiling occasionally while they watch the photos pass.

'Those were beautiful!' Denise says smiling as the screen goes black and Joe shakes his head.

'They're not finished, mom.' He replies as an instrumental version Baby Mine begins to play.

'What?' Madison mumbles as the last picture appears on the screen and Marissa squeals.

'No fucking way!' Marissa shouts instantly rushing over to Demi who grins

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'No fucking way!' Marissa shouts instantly rushing over to Demi who grins.

'Are you pregnant?' Marissa asks.

'Eight weeks.' Demi replies smiling. Suddenly the whole room erupts with cheers as everyone rushes to congratulate the couple.


'Congratulations, sweetheart.' Eddie says hugging Demi.

'Thanks, dad...' Demi replies smiling.

'How long have you known?' He asks.

'A few weeks... It's been rough.' She admits and he nods his head.

'But you're happy?' He asks.

'So happy.' She replies.

'That's good then. I'm so happy for you both.' He says as Joe makes his way over and places his hand on her lower back.

'You okay?' Joe asks and Demi nods her head.

'Congratulations, Joe.' Eddie says and Joe smiles.

'Thank you.' Joe replies. Eddie slowly began to accept their relationship once he realised that Joe wasn't planning on leaving when things got tough.


'Have you thought of any names?' Madison asks.

'Can we throw you a baby shower?' Dallas asks.

'Are you going to find out the gender?' Marissa asks.

'Alright, one question at a time... We've considered a few names but nothing is set in stone. I'm not sure about a baby shower and I'm not sure if we're going to find out the gender.' Demi replies.

'What names are you thinking?' Dallas asks and Demi smiles.

'Well we like Eve and Everleigh for a girl. Boys we've thought of Everest.' Demi replies.

'Are you purposely sticking to E names?' Madison asks causing Demi to shake her head.

'Nope, they're just the only ones we've thought off.' Demi replies.

'I love Everleigh.' Marissa says.

'Mm... I think that's my favourite as well.' Demi replies.


'I just want one day where I don't throw up.' Demi mumbles leaning back against Joe's chest as he rubs her shoulders.

'Just a few more weeks and then hopefully the sickness will go away.' He says and she sighs.

'I never knew it would be this hard.' She admits tears streaming down her cheeks as she closes her eyes.

'Hey, I've got you... You're okay.' He whispers.

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