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'You have been amazing tonight which makes what I'm about to say all that bit harder... You all know that Joe and I are together and we've been so happy; so happy that I want to take a bit of a break from performing to just enjoy my life with him.' Demi says causing the audience to gasp.

'I know this sounds like goodbye but I promise it isn't. I promise I will be back eventually, I just need a little me time. So this last song is especially for everyone who is here tonight and every single person who has supported me through the the years. I want you to listen to it whenever you're feeling down and remember that I love each and everyone of you.' She adds as the music begins to play softly in the background.

'The space in between us starts to feel like we're worlds apart, like I'm going crazy. And you say it's raining in your heart. You're telling me nobody's there to dry up the flood. Oh, but that's just crazy cause baby I told ya I'm here for good.'

Tears fill her eyes as she smiles out at the crowd. This has been her life for so many years and these people are people who have got her through her hardest times. She holds the mic out towards the crowd and grins as they sing loudly while tears stream down her cheeks.

'Like I said earlier; this isn't goodbye. This just me taking an extended holiday, I'll always be around but I just won't be performing for a while. I'm always be Demi and you can always count that I will be back.' Demi says blowing kisses out to the crowd before disappearing off stage and straight into Joe's arms as tears stream down her cheeks.

'Let's get you to your dressing room.' He says gently running his hands down her back as he kisses the top of her head. He quickly leads her to her dressing room and closes the door behind him.

'You know there's still time to change your mind about this break?' He says leaning back to look at her.

'I know but I haven't changed my mind. Our baby is my number one priority and I think I deserve a break.' She replies turning around so he can unzip her bodysuit.

'You do deserve a break. I was backstage watching the entire thing and you were amazing; you looked so happy up there.' He says.

'It was great... Seeing them all for one last time before the break.' She replies smiling as his hand brushes against her stomach.

'I feel like today has been a dream.' She admits placing her hand on top of his and keeping it pressed against her stomach.

'Mm... Well it wasn't. That's our baby in there and in three weeks we'll get to hear his or her heartbeat.' He replies, his thumb rubbing soft circles on her stomach as she leans back into him.

'I love you and I'm so grateful that we found our way back to each other. I can't imagine not having you in my life and I can't imagine having kids with anyone else.' She says.

'I feel exactly the same but I think we would've always found our way back to each other. I was always meant to be with you; I was just too young and stupid to realise it.' He replies loosening his arms so she can turn to face him.

'We both had our issues, Joe. No relationship I was in back then would've lasted. What matters is that we're together now and we're going to make it.' She says.

'We're going to be a family.' He replies and she nods her head.

'A family.' She repeats.


'That was a bit of a shocker.' Kelsey says as she hugs Demi and Joe leaves the dressing room to go find Mike.

'Yeah; I've been thinking about it for a while but I only really made my mind up today.' Demi replies causing Kelsey to smile.

'A-Are you?' Kelsey asks, her eyes flickering to Demi's stomach before back to her face.

'You can't say a word! We only just found out today and it's still really early on.' Demi says unable to keep the smile off her face.

'Oh my god! That's amazing, Demi! I'm so happy for you both.' Kelsey replies pulling Demi into her arms.

'You can't say a word, Kels. We've not told anyone and we don't plan on telling anyone for at least a few weeks.' Demi says.

'I won't say anything. How far along are you? Do you know?' Kelsey asks and Demi nods her head.

'Only four or five weeks. We had an appointment at the fertility clinic so Dr Montgomery done a scan to make sure everything was okay.' Demi replies.

'And it was?' Kelsey says.

'Everything looked perfect; we go back in three weeks for another scan.' Demi replies.

'I'm so happy for you, Demi. You deserve this so much.' Kelsey says once again hugging Demi tightly.

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