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'Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart - Winnie The Pooh

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'Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart - Winnie The Pooh... December 2018, so blessed 👶🏻❤'

'There was so many times that I thought we'd never make it to this point.' Demi admits placing her phone on the coffee table as she glances up at Joe. They've officially reached the twelve week mark and to say they're relieved would be an understatement.

'I know, baby... It's been rough, hasn't it? But we've made it.' Joe says pulling her closer to him as she rests her head on his shoulder.

'Why don't you phone up Kelsey and see if she'll go shopping with you today?' He suggests kissing the side of her head as she smiles slightly.

'What about the move?' She asks and he shakes his head.

'You're doing no lifting whatsoever so you may as well be doing something you enjoy.' He replies.

'If you're sure?' She asks and he smiles.

'I'm positive... Phone Kelsey and see if she's free.' He replies smiling.

'I love you.' She says leaning up to kiss him.

'I love you too.' He replies.


'So everything was okay at the scan then?' Kelsey asks as they make their way into BuyBuyBaby.

'Oh it was great, Kels. We got to hear the heartbeat which was absolutely amazing.' Demi replies grinning as she grabs a basket.

'That's amazing. I really am so happy for you, Dems. I can't wait to meet that little one.' Kelsey says and Demi smiles.

'There was so many times I didn't think I'd make it to this point, Kels. Between the sickness and the bleeding I was so sure I was going to lose this baby.' Demi admits shaking her head as her hand brushes against her stomach.

'But you have made it to this point and you are going to have a beautiful baby by Christmas... You and Joe are going to be the most amazing little family.' Kelsey says smiling at Demi.

'Thank you, Kels... I know our little one is going to be so lucky to have you as one of his or her aunties.' Demi replies.

'So what are you looking for today?' Kelsey asks and Demi shrugs her shoulders.

'I don't know. The only thing we've got in is a Thumper toy that Joe bought weeks ago.' Demi replies smiling as she continues to look around the store.


'She's going to love this... Thanks guys!' Joe says smiling at Dallas, Madison and Dianna as he glances around the dressing room/office.

'Does she know about it yet?' Dallas asks and Joe shakes his head

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'Does she know about it yet?' Dallas asks and Joe shakes his head.

'I thought it would be a nice surprise for her when she got back home.' Joe replies smiling.

'I'm sure she'll love it.' Dianna says.

'I was thinking we could do the nursery across the hall so that it's not too far from our bedroom... Obviously I imagine the baby will be in our room for a while.' Joe replies and Dianna smiles before leaving the room followed by Madison.

'I know I wasn't always the most supportive but I really am glad my sister found her way back to you... You're good for her, I've never seen her as happy as she has been lately.' Dallas says and Joe smiles.

'She means the world to me.' Joe replies and Dallas nods her head.

'I know she does. I was just scared, Joe. I'd been there when she hit rock bottom and I could see that she was head over heels for you... I didn't want her to go through that again but I can see that you love her.' Dallas says and Joe nods his head.

'I do.' Joe replies smiling.

Just another short chapter. I'm having a pretty rough time at the moment due to pregnancy & sickness so my chapters might be short for a little while but they should still be regular.

What do you think Joe and Demi will have: boy or Girl?

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