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'Dems, I've phoned Dr Montgomery and she's going to meet us at the clinic. She says not to panic that this could be a number of things which aren't all bad.' Joe says as Demi pulls her seatbelt on.

'Okay.' She replies quietly; the tears are still streaming down her cheeks as she stares out the car window.

'Are you in pain?' He asks and she shakes her head.

'No... I knew I shouldn't have allowed myself to look ahead. I jinxed us, I'm sorry.' She says as he reaches over and grabs hold of her hand as he begins to drive.

'We don't know anything yet so let's not assume things until we see Dr Montgomery, okay?' He replies gently squeezing her hand.

'I'm scared, Joe.' She almost whispers and he nods his head.

'I know you are babe but we'll be okay.' He says glancing over at her as she continues to stare out the window.


'We're here, babe.' Joe says softly as he turns off the engine.

'I don't want to go in there... If we go in there they'll do a scan and then it'll be real, then we'll have to accept it.' Demi admits biting her bottom lip as he loosens his seatbelt and turns to face her.

'I know this is really scary, Dems. I know that going inside could change our life and our future but we have to do this. We have to find out what's going on.' He says.

'I-I can't.' She replies shaking her head.

'Yes you can. Come on, we'll do this together.' He says. He climbs out the car and makes his way round to her side.

'Together...' He says putting his hand out to her. She hesitates before taking her own seatbelt off and linking her fingers through his.

'Together.' She replies. He helps her out of the car and wraps his arms around her causing her to sigh.

'Let's go before I run away.' She almost whispers tightening her grip on his hand. They make their way into the clinic where Dr Montgomery is waiting at the reception.

'Hi, come with me.' Dr Montgomery says gesturing for them to follow her.


'Was it a lot of bleeding?' Dr Montgomery asks as Demi sits on the edge of the bed.

'No. It was just like some little spots and when I wiped.' Demi replies and Dr Montgomery nods her head.

'Okay. Well I know it feels pretty bad but I promise that it's a good sign that it isn't heavy.' Dr Montgomery replies.

'I'm not cramping or anything.' Demi says and Dr Montgomery nods her head.

'That's a good sign as well. Why don't you pop yourself up onto the bed properly and I'll have a look.' Dr Montgomery replies. Nodding her head Demi swings her legs around so she's lying on the bed gripping Joe's hand.

'You might feel some slight pressure but tell me if it hurts too much.' Dr Montgomery says as she slides Demi's t-shirt up slightly and presses her hand against it.

'Is that tender at all?' Dr Montgomery asks and Demi shakes her head.

'Not really.' Demi replies.

'Okay. I'm going to do an ultrasound just to check on baby.' Dr Montgomery says.

'In your honest opinion, do you believe I've lost this baby?' Demi asks quietly.

'Honestly? I can't say for sure but going by your symptoms I'd say your baby is okay.' Dr Montgomery replies. Demi glances at Joe who smiles slightly and kisses her hand as Dr Montgomery begins the ultrasound. The room is silent for a few minutes until a soft thudding sound fills it.

'I-Is that?' Joe asks and Dr Montgomery nods her head.

'That's your baby's heartbeat... Everything looks fine to me, Demi. I'd suggest you go home and rest.' Dr Montgomery says and Demi sighs.

'We're supposed to be going to an awards show tonight.' She replies quietly.

'You can still go just take it easy and if the bleeding gets worse or you start cramping just give me a call, okay?' Dr Montgomery says and Demi smiles slightly.

'Thank you.' Demi replies.

Just another short chapter for now. May have another chapter up later.

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