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'So what are we going to do with this place?' Joe asks glancing around the empty room as Demi makes her way over to the window.

'I think we should do something neutral and then when we find out the gender we can add little bits of pink or blue.' She replies.

'Sounds good... Are you wanting to get a full furniture set or do you want to use the wardrobes we have in the other room?' He asks and she shrugs her shoulders.

'I guess it just depends on which crib we pick out and we'll need somewhere to change her.' She replies causing him to smile.

'You know if you keep saying she people are going to think we actually know the gender.' He says.

'People can think what they want, I don't care.' She replies turning to face him. They spent a week at the cottage just enjoying each other's company before returning home.

'Selena messaged me.' Demi says as they make their way out of the room.

'She did?' He asks and she nods her head.

'Yep. I thought it was the most bizarre thing ever. I'll show you the message later.' She replies and he smiles.

'Did you reply?' He asks and she nods her head.

'Of course, I'm not that much of a bitch.' She replies.


'I hate this.' Demi moans as they pull up outside BuyBuyBaby to be greeted by a crowd of paparazzi.

'Just stay close to me and you'll be fine.' Joe says getting out the car. He makes his way round to her side and opens her door.

'Let's go.' He adds as she gets out. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders he smiles slightly as she turns her head away from the cameras and tucking her face into the side of his neck causing her hair to fall in front of her face.

'I've got you.' He says softly.

'Do you guys know what you're having?'

'Aren't you worried that he'll leave you again, Demi?'

'When will you be back performing, Demi?'

'Can we expect new music soon from the two of you?'

They ignore the paparazzi's questions and make their way into the store where Demi finally looks up.

'You okay?' He asks and she nods her head.

'Just doing as you said and only allowing them to get pictures that I wanted them to get.' She replies causing him to smile.

'That's my girl.' He says kissing the top of her head as she moves until she's linked her fingers through his and grabbing a basket.

'Let's get shopping for bug.' She replies.


'So we've ordered the bassinet.' Demi says as she sits cross-legged on the sofa beside Joe.

'Yep and the Rock N Play.' He replies watching her smile.

'Suddenly it all feels so real... Now that we've started buying and planning out the nursery.' She says.

'I know. Have you thought any more about names?' He asks and she nods her head.

'I absolutely love Everleigh for a little girl.' She replies causing him to smile.

'That's a beautiful name. We could call her Eve for short.' He says and she nods her head.

'I like that... We'd need a middle name.' She replies.

'What about Devonne, just like her mommy?' He suggests.

'Everleigh Devonne Jonas, I love it... What about boys for a boy?' She asks.

'Well we spoke about Everest, didn't we? I also really like Greyson.' He replies causing her to smile.

'I like Greyson. Greyson Adam Jonas.' She says and he nods his head.

'So it's either going to be little Everleigh or little Greyson.' He says and she moves until she's curled into his side.

'Regardless, I know they're going to be absolutely perfect.' She replies.

'So are you going to tell me what Selena messaged you?' He asks and she nods her head.

'She just said congratulations and that she was so happy for us.' Demi replies.

'That was nice of her.' He says.

'Yeah...' She replies.

What would you guys like to happen now? Would you like Selena to come into the story and maybe have them try rekindle their friendship?

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