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'Baby is fine. You're just a little dehydrated due to the morning sickness. We'll give you some fluids and then you should be good to go.' Dr Montgomery says causing Demi to smile.

'Oh thank god.' Demi almost whispers as tears stream down her cheek.

'Try not to panic. I can give you something for the sickness as well if it's bad?' Dr Montgomery says and Demi nods her head.

'It's been horrendous these past few days.' She admits.

'Okay. Well I can give you something for that. Just relax and let these fluids get into you.' Dr Montgomery says before leaving the room.

'You gave me quite the scare.' Joe says reaching for her hand.

'I'm sorry, baby.' She replies quietly. Leaning over he kisses the top of her head before smiling slightly.

'I was so worried... It was like the ectopic all over again.' He admits and she reaches up to pull him closer to her.

'I'm okay and the baby is okay. We're going to be okay.' She says softly.

'I should be comforting you... You're the one hooked up to a drip.' He mumbles pulling back to look at her.

'Shh... I'm fine.' She replies pulling him back to her. Kissing the top of his head she smiles and gently runs her fingers through his hair.

'I love you.' She says softly.

'I love you too.' He replies.


'I can't believe they're keeping me in. I feel fine now.' Demi moans pouting up at Joe causing him to smile.

'Don't make that face. I am not giving you the okay to discharge yourself.' He says shaking his head.

'I really want to be at home in our bed with you.' She mumbles.

'And Dr Montgomery thinks it is safer for you and our baby to be here where she can keep an eye on you.' He replies, his hand brushing slightly across her stomach causing her to sigh.

'Okay. Stay with me until they throw you out though?' She asks and he nods his head.

'Of course.' He replies linking his fingers through hers.

'Do you want a boy or girl?' She asks.

'As long as our baby is healthy I don't mind.' He replies.

'Mm... I still can't quite believe we're having a baby.' She admits causing him to smile.

'Well we are. We're going to be a little family of three.' He says and she nods her head.

'Like the three musketeers.' She replies and he laughs.

'Yeah, like the three musketeers.' He says.


'Home sweet home.' Demi mumbles as Joe leads her through the front door. It's been a few days since she was admitted into hospital; although she was only supposed to be getting kept in contact overnight her blood pressure dropped and they kept her in to monitor her.

'You feeling okay?' He asks dropping her bag by the sofa as she sits down.

'Mm... Can we just spend the day cuddling? No visitors, just us?' She says curling up on the sofa.

'Of course.' He replies smiling. Taking his shoes and jacket off he watches as she does the same before grabbing a blanket and lying down beside her.

'I'm so glad you're home.' He admits draping the blanket over them both as she cuddles into his side.

'I'm glad to be home. I've missed waking up in your arms.' She says resting her head on his chest.

'I've cleared my schedule for this week so I'm all yours.' He replies.

'You didn't have to do that...' She says and he shakes his head.

'You're more important. They can do without me for a little while.' He replies smiling as he kisses the top of her head.

'They won't say anything will they?' She asks and he shakes his head.

'Of course not. We can trust them; I just had to tell them so they knew I wasn't just ditching them.' He replies.


'So I can't help but notice one of you is missing... Where's Joe?' The interviewer asks.

'He was unable to be here today; family emergency.' Jack replies.

'Oh. Is everything okay?' The interviewer asks, the concern clear on her face.

'We can't say. You'll need to ask Joe.' Cole says.

'Family emergency? Do you think everything is okay?' Madison asks turning to face Dianna who instantly picks up her phone.

'I'm not sure. I'll text him.' Dianna replies. Over the last year things between Joe and Demi's family have improved a lot; he has proved that he's in this for the long haul and they can see that he does love her.


From Dianna :
Hey, just seen you've cancelled a lot of your interviews this week. Everything okay?

'Your mom just texted me asking if everything was okay. Have you told her you were in hospital?' Joe asks glancing down at Demi who shakes her head.

'I didn't want to tell her about the baby yet.' She replies.

'So what do I say?' He asks.

'I don't know. Just tell her I've got food poisoning or something.' She replies. Nodding his head he glances back down at his phone and begins to type.

To Dianna :
Hi, everything's fine. Demi's got a touch of food poisoning so I just wanted to take some time off to look after her.

'When do you want to tell our families?' He asks placing his phone on the table before turning back to face her.

'Not yet... Everything still feels so new and risky. I'm still not 100% happy that the guys from DNCE know.' She replies.

'Okay. We'll wait a few more weeks.' He says.


'Joe says that Demi has food poisoning.' Dianna says glancing at Eddie who sighs.

'And do you believe him?' He asks watching as she shakes her head.

'I think there's a lot more to it than just food poisoning... I mean I know he's protective over her but she'd never let him cancel all those interviews if it was just food poisoning.' Dianna replies.

'D-Do you think she's relapsed?' Madison asks quietly.

'I don't know, sweetheart.' Dianna replies.

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