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It's been six months since their started trying for a baby; six months of constant heartbreak when every test came back negative and now tears stream down her cheeks as Demi stares down at the item in her hand.

'Joe...' She says quietly turning towards the bathroom door.

'Joe.' She repeats a little louder. The bathroom door swings open and Joe immediately peeks his head around it.

'What?' He asks and she bites her bottom lip.

'I-I... It's. It's positive... The test is positive.' She replies holding up the pregnancy test as tears stream down her cheeks.

'No way?' He says and she nods her head.

'I thought it would be negative again so I just left it and then I came in to get washed and it was just lying there...' She replies shaking her head as he looks at the test; two lines as clear as day.

'I told you it would happen.' He says instantly wrapping his arms around her as she begins to sob into his chest.

'I hope those a happy tears.' He says rubbing her back.

'I'm so shocked.' She admits.

'I know.' He says lifting her off the ground as she wraps her arms around his neck.

'I'm going to use this performance tonight as a time to tell everyone I'm taking a break.' She mumbles burying her head in his shoulder.

'Okay. If that's what you want.' He says

'It is... I want to enjoy this pregnancy, not work it away.' She replies.


'So what's been going on with you?' Dr Montgomery asks as Demi and Joe sit across from her.

'Well this appointment was supposed to be because we hadn't conceived and you suggested we come back after 6 months but this morning I took a test and it was positive.' Demi replies.

'Oh okay. Well congratulations! I can do an ultrasound today just to check everything is okay, if you'd like?' Dr Montgomery says and Demi smiles.

'That would be great.' Demi replies.

'Okay. We're most likely to see baby if we do an internal ultrasound, if that's okay with you?' Dr Montgomery says and Demi nods her head.

'Yeah, that's fine.' Demi replies.

'Okay. Well I'm going to leave the room to get the things I need to get. If you could just remove the clothing on the lower half of your body then put on this gown and get on the bed with that large towel over your lap.' Dr Montgomery says and Demi nods her head. She watches Dr Montgomery leave the room before turning to Joe.

'I'm so scared.' She admits.

'Don't be. We're going to see our baby for the very first time.' He says and she nods her head.

'I know but what if something is wrong? What if there's nothing there?' She asks.

'Stop stressing.' He replies running his hand down her cheek.


'Okay so you probably won't be able to see much but can you see this little dark circle?' Dr Montgomery asks and Demi nods her head.

'Well that's what we call the gestational sac filled with fluid which will eventually be replaced by the sac containing the amniotic fluid.' Dr Montgomery says and Demi smile.

'So I am actually pregnant?' She asks and Dr Montgomery nods her head.

'Yes you are. It's very early, around four or five weeks but everything looks perfect for this stage. We'll book you in for another ultrasound around 8 weeks when we'll hopefully see a heartbeat and baby.' Dr Montgomery replies.

'Okay, thank you.' Demi says.

'No bother. I'll go make you an appointment and let you get sorted.' Dr Montgomery replies.

I wanted to stop this here because if I done the concert it would just be too long so that's in the next chapter. I hope you don't mind the time jump but I have loads of plans for this story.

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