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Pregnant Demi Lovato enjoys night out watching her boyfriend Joe Jonas perform.

Pregnant Demi Lovato enjoyed a night out watching her boyfriend perform with his band DNCE. The singer, who announced her pregnancy that day, hid any evidence of a growing bump under a loose black sweater with white jeans and some knee high boots.

'Ugh that's them going to be constantly following us until they get a picture of the bump.' Demi moans as she drops her phone onto the bed beside her.

'We won't let them get any pictures that we don't want them to get.' Joe says moving some hair out her face.

'Mmm... Will you come shopping with me today?' She asks and he nods his head.

'I can't and neither can you... I've got a surprise for you.' He says.

'What is it?' She asks and he shakes his head.

'I'm not telling you, just go get dressed.' He says kissing the top of her head.

'Right now?' She asks and he laughs.

'Yes, Dems... Right now, we need to leave in an hour.' He replies glancing at the clock.

'Okay. I'll go get dressed. Should I wear anything in particular?' She asks and he shakes his head.

'Just something comfy.' He replies.

'Where are we going?' She asks and he shakes his head.

'I'm still not telling you.' He replies causing her to sigh.

'Joe... Please?' She asks and he shakes his head.

'I will tell you that we won't be coming back here tonight.' He replies.

'We're going away?' She asks and he nods his head.

'Yep. Now go get dressed or else we won't be going anywhere.' He replies smiling.


'You ready?' Joe asks glancing at Demi who's sitting in the passenger seat.

'Yep. When are you going to tell me where we're going?' She asks glancing out the window as he begins to drive. They've just dropped Batman off at Mike's so they can go away.

'I'm not. You'll find out soon enough... Just relax.' He replies smiling as he watches her hand brush gently across her stomach.

'Am I going to enjoy it?' She asks and he laughs.

'Well I'm not taking you because I think you'll hate it.' He replies.

'I guess.' She says smiling.

'Let me know if you start to feel sick and I'll pull over but I've put some snacks in that bag and there's a few bottles of water.' He says and she nods her head.

'You've thought of everything, haven't you?' She replies.

'You were amazing last night.' She says glancing over at him.

'I'm so glad you were able to make it.' He replies and she smiles.

'I absolutely love watching you perform. Seeing you do what you love makes me so happy.' She says.

'I love watching you perform but I guess it'll be a while before I get to see that again.' He replies.

'Mm... I'll stick to watching you perform for now.' She says smiling as he reaches for her hand.

'Just think in like 28 weeks we'll have a little one who'll grow up seeing us both perform.' He says and she nods her head.

'It's so bizarre. I think I spent so long convincing myself that I wouldn't be able to have kids that I still find it quite hard to believe I'm pregnant... I can't wait until he or she is in our arms.' She admits and he nods his head.

'Neither can I. To think we'll have a little mini you or mini me is absolutely crazy.' He replies.

'I think because the beginning was so rough as well... I was so sure we were going to lose the baby so I don't think I properly let myself get attached to it but now I am just so in love with this tiny human that I haven't even met yet, is that crazy?' She asks and he shakes his head.

'I'm sure that's exactly how we're supposed to feel... I love you, Dems.' He says and she smiles.

'I love you more.' She replies as he lifts their connected hands and presses his lips against the back of hers.

'Not possible, babe.' He says smiling.


They've been driving for just over an hour when Joe glances at Demi and sees she's fast asleep. He knows this pregnancy has been rough on her and he can see she's been struggling so he wanted to surprise her with something that he knows she'll absolutely love.

The surprise will be revealed in the next chapter. Any guesses on what it might be?

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