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'I don't think I can move, Joe.' Demi mumbles curling up under the covers as Joe makes his way out of the bathroom.

'Not feeling good?' He asks and she shakes her head.

'What can I do?' He asks sitting on the edge of the bed and running his fingers through her hair.

'Could you get me a glass of water?' She says and he smiles.

'Of course I can. What about food?' He asks as she rolls onto her side and pulls the covers further up her body.

'No, just water for now.' She replies.

'Okay.' He says moving hair out of her face and leaning down to kiss the top of her head.

'Ugh go away you smell...' She moans placing her hand on his shoulder and shoving him.

'I just had a shower.' He says and she nods her head.

'And used that awful shower gel.' She replies as he moves away from her.

'That awful shower gel that you bought?' He asks causing her to groan.

'Yeah well it's awful... Throw it away.' She replies.

'I'll go get your water.' He says and she nods her head. She watches as he leaves the bedroom and she runs her hand over her stomach. It's been a few days since her last show and to say she's been feeling awful would be an understatement.

'Here's your water.' Joe says making his way back into the room carrying a. bottle of water.

'Thank you. You can go to the studio if you want?' She says smiling as he passes the water and she takes a sip.

'Don't be silly. I'm going to stay right here with you.' He replies climbing onto the bed.

'Not smelling like that you're not.' She says covering her mouth with her hand.

'Right I'll go shower again.' He replies.


'Better?' Joe asks climbing into bed beside Demi.

'Mm... Can we cuddle?' She asks.

'Of course we can.' He replies smiling. She rolls over and instantly cuddles into his side; her head resting on his chest as he wraps his arm around her back and pulls her closer to him.

'You try get some more sleep, babe. I'll be right here.' He says gently rubbing circles on her hip. She mumbles something and closes her eyes as he pulls the covers further up them both. The past few days have been rough for Demi and he knows it; seeing her this ill breaks his heart but they know it'll be worth it in the end.


'Joe...' Demi groans slightly rolling onto her back.

'I'm still here.' Joe says, his fingers tapping lightly against her stomach.

'Are you hungry?' He asks as she leans up on her elbows and takes a sip of water.

'Little bit... I don't know if I could stomach anything though.' She replies.

'How about I make you some toast? Just some plain toast?' He suggests.

'Okay. I can try.' She mumbles. He nods his head and runs his finger down her cheek.

'I'll be back in five minutes.' He says. Smiling slightly she watches as he gets out of bed and leaves the bedroom before she picks up her phone and glancing at her unread messages.

From Marissa :
Hey! When can I come visit? I'm in LA this weekend xx

To Marissa :
You can come over whenever you want, you know that. Joe and I will be home all weekend xx

From Kelsey :
Still feeling sick? I've heard that plain crackers can help the nausea xxx

To Kelsey :
Yeah, it's awful! Joe's currently making me some toast so hopefully that helps. I just have no energy whatsoever today and I spent yesterday throwing up, barely kept anything down xx

Glancing up at the door she smiles as Joe makes his way into the room carrying a plate of toast.

'For you, babe.' He says and she smiles slightly.

'Thanks.' She replies taking the plate from him. She sits up slightly and rests the plate on her knees. Lifting a slice of toast she takes a small bite of it before scrunching her nose and shaking her head.

'I-I'm gonna throw up.' She mumbles jumping out of bed and rushing to the bathroom. Instantly Joe follows her and pulls her hair out of her face.

'You're okay...' He says rubbing soft circles on her lower back as she leans over the toilet.

'I am never doing this again.' She mumbles leaning back against his chest as he hands her the bottle of water.

'I know it must be hard, babe. I'm here.' He says and she nods her head. Taking a sip of the water she smiles slightly as he grabs some toilet paper and wipes the edges of her mouth before flushing it down the toilet.

'Maybe we should phone Dr Montgomery and see if she can suggest anything?' He says and she nods her head.

'Okay.' She replies quietly. He helps her off the floor and begins to lead her through to the bedroom when suddenly she begins to lean heavily on him.

'J-Joe... I don't feel good.' She mumbles.

'Demi, babe? What's wrong?' He asks and she shakes her head.

'I just-' She begins before collapsing in his arms. Scooping her into his arms he carries her over to the bed and places her on it.

'Demi? Baby, wake up...' He says. 

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