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'Oh my god, we're going to the cabin aren't we?' Demi says as Joe turns the car onto a little road surrounded by trees.

'So you finally figured it out.' He replies smiling as he watches the smile appear on her face.

'I love it here.' She says and he nods his head.

'I know you do. I thought after everything we deserved a bit of a break but I do have another surprise.' He replies as he pulls up outside the cabin. Smiling she takes off her seatbelt and immediately gets out the car.

'Go inside and I'll be right behind you.' He says passing her the key. He grabs a bag from the back seat and watches as she makes her way through the front door.

'It's just as perfect as I remember.' She says as he follows her inside.

'It's ours.' He says softly.

'How long for?' She asks turning to face him.

'For as long as we want it, Dems. I know how much you love this place and the other month when you were going on about how you'd much rather have something like this than holiday home in Spain I had an idea... I wanted somewhere for us to bring our kids where we can just spend time with each other. Somewhere we won't be disturbed by paps and they can run free.' He says as tears fill her eyes.

'Do you mean?' She asks and he nods his head.

'Everything was finalised last week or else I would've brought you here sooner. We have a set of keys each and we are free to come whenever we want.' He replies reaching up to wipe the tears from her cheeks.

'Thank you!' She says wrapping her arms around his neck causing him to smile.

'I thought we'd be able to bring the kids out here when we're both free and just have some time for us.' He explains and she smiles.

'That's amazing... I love you.' She says as he wraps his arms around her waist.

'I love you too.' He replies.


'I've got a phone interview this afternoon, is there anything you don't want me to talk about?' Joe asks glancing at Demi who shakes her head.

'I'd just rather you didn't reveal too much information about the pregnancy but other than that no.' Demi replies and he smiles.

'Just think this time next year we could be on our very first family holiday with our little one.' He says.

'I know. We'll be able to do the Disney Cruise and everything.' She replies smiling as she curls into his side.

'We will. We'll be able to do everything, Dems.' He says smiling.

'I'm so excited, Joe.' She admits glancing up at him.

'Me too, babe... Are you hungry?' He asks and she shakes her head.

'I'm tired.' She replies smiling as he pulls her closer to him.

'Go to sleep then, beautiful... I'll be right here when you wake up.' He says.

'I still can't believe you've bought this place.' She mumbles causing him to laugh.

'Anything for you, Dems. I just want you to be happy and I know this place makes you happy.' He says.

'You make me happy.' She replies cuddling into him.


'Mr Jonas, thank you for finding the time to talk to me this afternoon.' Emily, the journalist, says as Joe holds the phone to his ear while glancing down at Demi who's still fast asleep.

'Oh please, it's Joe. Thank you for talking to me.' He replies smiling.

'So firstly, congratulations on the baby news! That must be so exciting for you and Demi.' Emily says.

'It really is... This is something that Demi and I have both wanted for a while and now that it's finally happening we are over the moon.' Joe replies smiling.

'So what can you tell me about the pregnancy?' Emily asks and Joe once again glances down at Demi.

'Not too much. We do want to keep some things to ourselves just because it is such a private thing but it's going really well and we're so happy.' Joe replies gently running his fingers through Demi's hair as he watches her hand brush against her stomach in her sleep.

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