This Is The Year

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"Come on Cam, it's time to go!"

My eyes stay glued to the TV never looking away for a fraction of a second. It's been hard not to get caught up in all the hype that is the 2016 Cubs team. The players are so much fun to watch and Joe was a true visionary. There's a special feeling around Chicago, and it's not just the warmer temperatures that have the city talking. It's talk that the Chicago Cubs are finally going to break the curse this season. No... like for real this time, I promise.

"Come on, there's only two outs left" I whine as my best friend starts tugging on my arm. I've lived with her throughout my six years of college and she loved the Cubs too, just not as much as I do. Usually it goes like this: she tells me it's time to leave... I stay glued to the tv. She insults me... I don't budge. She gets physical... still looking at the tv. This goes on until the game gets over and I happily leave the apartment.

"Camilla Mathews so help me God if you don't get your ass off this couch right now I will drag you" she says tugging at my arm. I had about twenty pound of muscle on the small girl so I wasn't about to budge.

"It's just a preseason game" she complains. I send her a glare and she eventually lets me go. David catches the last out and I smile to myself, they win the pointless game 8-6 and I can go to work happy.

We hop into my '87 mustang and head off to a small diner in downtown Chicago, not too far from Michigan Avenue. I park out back and grab my phone and baseball cap before fastening it tightly to my head. I walk through the door with a smile still plastered across my face and throw on my apron before getting to work. My best friend Brianna and I worked part time as waitresses at the small diner in downtown Chicago while we finished our last semester of school up here.

"Good game, didn't you think Cam" the owner, Michael, says as I start making coffee. He and I we were big fans, so naturally we bonded.

"They're looking sharp. Really feeling good about this team. You going to opening day?"

"You know it, you don't mind closing up that night, do you?"

"Of course not " I smile and he gives me a nod. At least one of us should have fun.

I make my rounds and talk to the kind city folk. We weren't ever super busy, but a lot of the clients were regulars and left nice tips.

"Hello Mr. Maxwell, the usual" I ask approaching a elderly man wearing a cups hat and coat.

"You know it."

I put in his usual roast beef and fries in to the cooks and sit across from him. I place a cup of water in front of him and give him a warm smile.

"You think this is the year" he asks with a gleam of hope in his eyes. Mr. Maxwell was 96, and quite frankly tired of waiting for a World Series championship. I was hoping he could see them win before he passed.

"In fact I do. The pitching rotation is absolutely dominating and there's not one person in that lineup that couldn't be really dangerous. I got a good feeling about this team."

"That's good to hear. No one knows the game better than you, so I know you know what you're talking about" he says with the sweetest smile. I loved all the customers, but he was my favorite.

I deliver his food and continue to work until it was time to close. Bri and I wipe down tables and sweep up before Michael lets us go.

"Good work tonight girls. Don't forget to study hard, finals are coming up."

"Don't remind me..." I sigh.

"See you later Michael" Bri says with a wave and we were on our way home.

After a long shift such as that one I like to take a long shower and slip on footie pajamas so that's what I do. I turn on sports center in my room and enjoy my alone time. I loved talking and meeting people but I get overwhelmed easily. So I made my room into my safe place. A mini fridge with snacks, pictures up everywhere of my favorite things, and I tv to fuel my sports obsession. Living in Chicago, it's hard not to fall for the sports teams around here. Besides the Blackhawks this city hasn't had much to cheer for lately, but they got a run for their money with the Cubs this year. I listen to Scott Van Pelt on sportscenter at night as he goes on about the Cubs and the high expectations going into the season. Everyone knew they were going to be good and I couldn't help but feel the excitement. This was the year, it had to be.


The first few Cubs regular season games were away but Michael was kind enough to play the games on the tv while we worked.

"That was a strike" Mike yells as the ump calls ball four and the bases are loaded.

"Come on Mike, this is Jake we're talking about. He lives for these moments. He'll get down 2-0 in the count then Miguel will call for three straight sliders down and away and he'll go down swinging on the third one" I bet.

"Five dollars says he doesn't" he says sticking out for me to shake which I take happily.

"You got yourself a deal" I smirk.

We watch as he swings and misses on a slider down and away and Mike lets out a groan.

"Why do I keep making these bets" he grumbles slapping a crisp five dollar bill in my hand.

"I don't know but if you don't stop soon you'll be broke" Bri say slapping his back hard.

The game ends and the Cubs win easily. It was a great start to the season and I couldn't wait to see how the year plays out. We close up and take the short commute home to get ready for school to kick up again.

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