Making A House A Home

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"Alright, this is the last box" I announce as I set a box in the living room. We finally finished moving all of Camillas things into my place which really wasn't much. She got rid of all her college books and papers so it was just her cloths really.

"Thanks so much for helping" I say to Cams parents giving them a hug. They support Cam through everything she wanted to do her whole life, they reminded me a lot of my parents.

"Any time, thanks for taking her in. Wouldn't want her moving back home no would we" her dad jokes.

"Come on dad, I am nothing but a bundle of joy" Cam says sarcastically and we all laugh. She gives them a hug and they go their own way as I help her unpack her stuff. I start to walk into my room and she stands at the end of the hallway.

"What are you waiting for?"

"You want me in your bedroom?"

"Well yeah. You are my girlfriend after all. If you want to I would love to have you stay in my room."

She thinks about it for a second and eventually smiles and follows me into my room. There was more than enough space in my closet for her things and I even got her her own dresser. We listen to music and sing along to all the songs we knew, a lot of Taylor Swift was played today. We unpack and my empty room suddenly felt a little bit more homey.

"There, all done" she says with a smile.

"Great... now what" I laugh.

"I don't know about you, but I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry" I comment and she shrugs. She eats like a athlete, but nothing ever happens.

We decide to go to the diner and get some food. She grabs for her head while letting out a gasp and I can't help but worry a little. She's been doing that a lot lately.

"Is your head okay?"

"What? Oh, yeah. I'm fine" she insists but I'm still concerned. She shouldn't be having headaches like this. She continues to brush off my concern and we continue into the diner.

"Well if it isn't my favorite couple" Michael says as we walk through the door. Although Camilla doesn't work here anymore we still eat here often and he knows to call her if he ever needs help.

"Hey Michael, how are you?"

"Good thanks to you. This place has been booming since you and the boys come now."

"You make good food. Plus this place is real nice, we love coming here."

"That's nice to know. Means the world to me. Oh, and Cam there's someone here who really misses you" Michael says turning Cam. He points to a older man and her eyes light up. She grabs me by the wrist and pulls me to him.

"Hey Mr. Maxwell, long time no see" she says and the man literally jumps with joy.

"Oh Camilla I've missed you so. These new young waitresses just don't appreciate things the way you did. How have you been sweetie? How was graduation?"

"I'm doing good. Graduation was fun. I have someone here I want you to meet" she says pulling me into the booth with her.

"Well I'll be darned. If it isn't Anthony Rizzo" he says patting my hand. Cam told me all about him and how long he's been a cub fan. They would watch games together for the past six years and he always looked out for her. I was honestly honored to meet him.

"Hey Mr. Maxwell, great to meet you."

"I can say the same to you. Have you been taking care of Cammy?"

"I would like to think so."

"Good, she means a lot to the people around here."

"Awww thanks Mr. Maxwell. I've missed seeing your face" Cam says giving him a smile. We order our food and I listen to him talk about old time baseball. He was supper funny and super passionate about the Cubs. I loved meeting people like him.

"Well, I have to head home. It was great meeting you Anthony. Hope to see you again" he says as Cam helps him get up.

"Pleasure to meet you too, see you around."


Back at home I sit on the couch and Cam sits next to me on her laptop.

"Watcha doin?"

"Thinking of a fundraiser for the Cubs to do to raise money for charities."

"You got any ideas yet?"

"Kinda" she says putting the laptop in my lap showing me what she had.

"I like this one" I say pointing to the flyer for the Christmas in July fundraiser. I mean who doesn't want two Christmas'?

"I thought you would like that one" she smiles closing the laptop. I pull her into my lap and wrap my arms around her.

We watch a movie and wait until it was time to go to the game.


After the game Cam and I go home, our home, and watch the highlights on tv.

"Do you ever get tired of people telling you that you're good? Because sometimes that's all I can think about."

"Not really. I worked really hard to get here so in a way it's justification for my struggle to get here."

"Good. Because I think you're good, like really good."

"Thanks babe" I say kissing her lips causing her to smile. Even though she's shy she is really affectionate and it's kinda great. I notice she's getting tired so I suggest we go to bed. I take off my shirt and she changes into nothing but a shirt and underwear. We climb into bed and she shifts under the covers.

"Are you cold" I whisper.

"A little."

Instead of turning up the heat like a normal person I pull her close and wrap my arms around her tightly. Her legs become entangled and mine and she lets out a sigh.



She quickly falls asleep and hold her close. She seemed so fragile yet so strong at he same time.

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