Meet the Team

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The week goes by and Anthony keeps his promise to me. He's been bringing me dinner when he could and reminds me to take breaks. Between school and working at the diner it's the only time I get to see him. He understands how important this is to me and respects the process.

"I'm hungryyyy" Bri complains as we sit in the study area.

"Here's a crazy idea, eat some food" I scoff and she flips me off. There's a knock on the door and I yell that it's open. In retrospect that probably wasn't smart, but I was too tired to think it through. Anthony comes in the door with food and flowers.

"I have a deep dish pepperoni pizza and flowers" he announces as Bri takes the pizza box out of his hands.

"Cam I love your boyfriend" she announces scarfing down a piece of pizza.

"That sounds like a problem" I joke and she just rolls her eyes.

I walk over to Anthony who still stood there holding the flowers. I give him a kiss and thank him for the flowers before replacing them with the last ones. Eventually we join Bri at the dining room table and eat.

"So... Kris wants to know if you wanted to come to the team dinner this weekend" Anthony says to Bri and her eyes nearly pop out of her head. When they came to the diner the other day they shamelessly flittered so I'm not sure why this is such a shock to her.

"Anthony, if you're fucking with me I will kill you" she says pointing her pizza at him.

"I am not."

"Please come, I don't know anyone else there" I beg and she sighed defeated.

"Fine I'll go" she mumbles and I raise my hands in triumph.

We finish eating and I go back to studying in my room as Anthony decides to hang around a little.

"Are you excited to graduate soon" he asks.

"Yeah, been in school long enough I should be able to get a decent job."

"What if I told you I could get you a job with the Cubs?"

I set my pencil and highlighter down and turn in my chair to look at him as he sat on my bed.

"What kind of job?"

"As the PR manager. Someone just quit and I told Theo about you. David helped me convince him but he said once you graduate if you want the job it's yours."

"Do you want me to work there? I mean it won't be too much?"

"What? Of course I want you there. You're a special girl and I think you would be great for public relations. People love to be around you, you would fit in perfectly with the Cubs. I want you there, I promise."

I nod and give him a smile. Looks like I have a job. 


The week goes by fast and it quickly comes the day of the team dinner. I slip on a full length black dress with long sleeves that had a off the shoulders cut. I carefully straighten my hair and Bri does my make up because I know nothing about it. We both get done and head to the hotel where the dinner was being held.

When we arrive I see a bunch of really nice looking people and become easily intimidated. I'd never imagine this would be my life, yet here I am. We quickly find Kris and Anthony and sit down at the dinner table.

"Just when I think you can't get any prettier you prove me wrong" he says placing a kiss on the back of my hand. He was such a gentlemen.

"Thank you, you clean up pretty well yourself" I say dusting off his shoulder.

"You're adorable" he laughs and I start to blush. They bring out our food and I talk to Jakes wife Brittany and Jon's wife Farrah.

"Anthony hasn't stopped talking about you" Farrah informs me as we sip on wine.

"Is that so?"

"Absolutely. He was at our house the other day and was going on and on about you. He's infatuated. But he hardly did you any justice."

"Awh, that's sweet."

I didn't know he talked about me so much. It's obvious he cared about me, he showed me every day that he cares. But even when we're not together he's still thinking about me. That meant a lot to hear.

"So when do you graduate" Brittany asks me.

"Finals are next week so in two weeks" I tell them.

"That's exciting, are you going to stay in Chicago" she asks.

"Actually, I'm in line to be the new PR person with the Cubs" I say and they both grow a smile.

"That's awesome Cam, were happy for you" Farrah says and I let out a breath. Up until that moment I've been so nervous, but now I feel relaxed. I spend the rest of the night walking around getting to know people. If I'm going to work here I need to know everyone, might as well start now. By the end of the night I had all the wives and girlfriends numbers and became good friends with the boys.

"See, it's not that bad" Anthony says wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Yeah, I actually really enjoyed my time. Everyone is super kind and open minded."

Bri stays back with Kris while Anthony takes me home because I've been getting really tired easily.

"Sorry we had to leave" I say as we pull out.

"It's okay, I wanted to spend time with just you anyway" he smiles and grabs my hand to hold, placing it on the counsel. He rubs circles on my hand as he drives around with the other one. We get back to my place and sit down to watch a movie. I change into sleeping shorts and a tank top as he makes popcorn. We sit on the couch as I cuddle into his side making him wrap his arm around me. He decides on watching Transformers and I rest my head on his chest as he wraps his arm around me.

"Thanks for inviting me to dinner, I had a lot of fun" I say before yawning.

"Thanks for being such a great date" he says before placing a kiss on my forehead. Less than twenty minutes in I end up falling asleep in his arms.

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