Top of the Class

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The Cubs are in Milwaukee for a series against the Brewers as I chill in the hotel. Usually I'm out and about exploring the cities on away trips but I sit by my phone waiting for it to ring this time. Camilla finds out her grades today and although she's already been accepted to work with the Cubs she wanted to get a 4.0. It's that kind of mindset that is the difference between the good and the great, and she really was great. My phone rings and I quickly answer it to hear the sound of screaming.

"Either you got your grades back and they're really good or you're looking at a cute picture of a dog."

"I got my grades back and I'm at the top of my class" she says excitedly and I grow a smile. She worked so hard and I was happy she did so well.

"I'm proud of you baby, good job."

"Are you coming to my graduation?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Yay! My parents will be there too, not to freak you out or anything."

"I was going to have to meet them eventually, right?"

"I mean yeah. But they already love you so you have nothing to worry about. All they've been doing is bragging about the fact their daughter is dating THE Anthony Rizzo. Even to me, which I find really weird."

"Nice to know. Now I'll only freak out a little."

"Awesome. Well I have to go to work and you have to kick ass and shit so call me after the game. I'll be watching."

"Of course, talk to you later" I say before hanging up.


We win two games out of three against the Brewers and continue our rampage of teams on our journey to stay on top of the league. We arrive home late offer the last game and I see something on the door. I bring it inside and open the envelope to see a card. It read:

"Dear Anthony,

You've been in my life for around three months now and you're quickly becoming a big part of it. I know I'm not the most outgoing or exciting person in the world but I appreciate the effort you put in our relationship. You're a real sweet guy who just happens to be really good at baseball, isn't it crazy how things work out? I baked you some goodies and got other things to remind you that I appreciate you too. I can't wait to see you again, text me when you get this.

-Much love, Camilla Mathews"

I place the card on the counter and move to the blue box with red ribbon. I open it and there were cookies and brownies and peanut brittle in little bags. Under all that was a 'fuck cancer' shirt and new Nike elites. That was probably the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. She did all of this out of the kindness of her heart and it honestly made my heart skip a beat.

Me: I don't know what's sweeter, the brownies or you? Thanks for the gift, it was cool to come home to that.
Cam ❤️: Oh good, you got it. I though one of the kids next to you would take it.
Me: Nope, in fact I've already ate most of the food.
Cam ❤️: Don't get sick now... I won't be rubbing your tummy again.
Me: If you say soooooo.
Cam ❤️: You know what, you're right. I so would.
Me: Thought so. So can we hang out tomorrow?
Cam ❤️: I'm actually going to the children's hospital to set something up with the Cubs. But you're more than welcome to tag along. I'm sure the kids would love to see you.
Me: That sounds perfect. I'll swing by your place around 10 tomorrow morning?
Cam ❤️: Alrighty, can't wait!

I set my phone down and start putting some things in the laundry and pack for the next trip. I put on the 'fuck cancer' shirt and it smelled like her. I find myself thanking whatever it was that made me go talk to her that day. Maybe it was chance, maybe it was luck, or maybe it was fate. I decide to call my mom since I haven't in a while and fill her in on my life.

"Hey mom."

"Hello sweetie. How have you been?"

"Really good actually. How are you?"

"Apparently not as good as you. Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Actually there is... it's a girl."

"Ohhhh a girl?"

"Yes mom. A girl. You would love her, she's so kind hearted and sweet. Next time you're in town you'll have to meet her."

"She sounds amazing. What does she do?"

"She just finished school, top of her class actually. I'm going to her graduation next week then she's going to be the PR manager with the Cubs."

"That's awesome. I'm happy for you, can't wait to meet her."

We talk a little bit more before I realize it's nearly 1 am. After hanging up I finish my laundry and open my empty fridge. How the food keeps disappearing when I'm never home is beyond me. I decide to jut crawl into bed and realize I'm still wearing her shirt. I sit in the quiet letting my mind run wild. I don't like having the mindset that things are too good to be true, but I couldn't help it. I found a great girl, the team is amazing, I'm healthy, it's... dare I say... perfect.

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