As Seen On TV

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New York City. A city of such high magnitude is second on my list of favorite cities only to Chicago, gotta represent. We arrive the morning of the SNL skit and had the whole day to sight see and maybe fun into a few famous people, who knows.

"Wow, I mean just wow" I gasp standing in the middle of time square. There's so much to see and so little time to see it in.

"Where do we even start" Anthony asks.

"How about food because I'm starving" I admit.

"New city, same appetite" he comments and I shrug. He had a point. We find a diner much like the one back home and decide to eat there. We order our food but it just doesn't feel the same.

"What's wrong" he asks.

"I actually miss working at the diner. We were like a little family there. Michael and his family did so much for Bri and I. And as much as I hated it when Bri acted like she couldn't cook so I had to, I miss her. I think I just realized how much has changed recently, that's all" I shrug.

"The diner will always be there for you, Michael thinks of you as his own daughter. Bri will be there in a push of the button. Change is hard, but the strongest people like you always do well with it" he says setting his hand on mine.

"It's just crazy that at the beginning of this year I was a college student working at the diner and now I'm working for the world champion Chicago Cubs" I smile.

"You're never going to stop saying that, are you" he asks.

"I've waited my whole life to say that, I'm using it every time I talk about you guys" I laugh. The waitress sets our plates down and we enjoy the food before taking off to explore the streets.

"If we were here longer I would so force you to watch Wicked or Hamilton with me" I comment.

"I would happily watch those with you" he claims.

"Nice to know, because they're in Chicago" I say and his face drops.

"Damn, thought I got out of that one" he jokes. I take a thousand pictures to send to my parents and brother and have a bunch of Anthony acting silly. Even here he is getting stopped for autographs and congratulated. Eventually it gets late and we head to the set of SNL. Once we get there I sit in the crowd and await whatever was going to happen. Anthony refused to tell me what that skit was and I couldn't get it out of David, so I was forced to watch and hope for the best.

Eventually the scene starts and Benedict Cumberbatch comes out in a naughty tool man costume and I automatically knew this was going to be great. Soon enough come my boys out with short shorts and open shirts making sexual baseball innuendos. Didn't know I needed this in my life. Next thing I know they're dancing like idiots and my boyfriend is twerking on a supposedly unconscious grandmother. Never in a million years would I have thought this would be my life. Eventually that skit ends and I wipe the tears away from laughing so hard. That was great. The next skit was something a lot easier and more... baseball related. They sing Go Cubs Go with Bill Murray and that concluded the Cubs on SNL.

"That was by and far the best thing to happen. Ever. And you guy just won the World Series" I laugh as they all change back into actual cloths.

"My kids are going to hate me" David claims. Yeah, he was probably right.

"What are you taking about, I got my moves from my daughter" Dexter chirps.

"I think Darya and Naya would have to say different" I laugh and he shrugs.

"Regardless that was really fun" Anthony says.

"Really hard to watch" I utter and he looks at me with playfulness in his eyes.

"What was that missy" he challenges and I look to Dex and David for help... nothing.

"I was saying that your acting was amazing" I reply.

"That's not at all what you said" he says stepping closer to me.

"Oh would you look at the time, we have to get out to LA soon so we should probably go" I say trying to make a run to the exit but he quickly grabs my wrist and pulls me into his chest.

"What was that you were saying earlier" he asks.

"I said that you're the best boyfriend ever and I love you and I think you super cute" I reply quickly.

"That's what I thought" he says with a smile before kissing me. We get on the private jet and set off for California.


We arrive in California late then take the opportunity to sleep in before having to go to Jimmy Fallon. But before that I take a second to let this all sink in. My life has been like a movie set in fast pace these past few days. It's hard to appreciate it all while it's happening.

"What's running through your mind" Anthony asks as we were on our way over to Fallon.

"Life. It's pretty crazy. One day you're told your cancer is back and the next you are in a car with your amazing boyfriend going to celebrate history in national television. It's just hard to take it all in" I admit.

"It really is, isn't it. I mean when I came to the Cubs over four years ago I imagined this. I would dream of this day and what it would feel like, but now that it's actually here it's better than I've ever imagined. Now I get to share all these experiences with you and there's not another person I would rather share it with. It's so cool" he sighs. We walk into Fallon tonight as he and Ben and Dexter share their experience along with a few jokes. Eventually we had to bed then look forward to getting home once again.

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