First Date

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"How do I look" I ask Kris as I spin around.

"You look fine, now would you quit asking" he mumbles eating some popcorn on the couch. I invited him over to help me prepare for my date with Camilla but all he's done is eat my food.

"I can't help it, I'm nervous."

"She already agreed to be your girlfriend, what are you nervous for?"

"That I say something stupid or she thinks I'm some dick head professional athlete trying to get some."

"But you're neither of those things. So you'll be fine" he explains and I give up trying to get him to understand me.

I make my way to her door with flowers in my hands. My extremely sweaty and shaking hands. I wore black dress slacks and a light blue shirt for the dinner portion of the date. I really hope you can't see the sweat stains on this thing. I click the buzzer and she buzzes me in fairly quickly. I come in to see her roommate sitting there and she grows a smirk.

"Cam! Your boyyyyyfriend is here."

"Shut the fuck up" she calls out as I shake my head and laugh. Cam appears from her room and my legs buckle from underneath me. Her brilliant green eyes glisten in the light and her hair was curled beautifully. My hands start to shake harder as she got closer and I can really take her in now. She wore a simple white strapless dress and white wedges that made her just a little bit shorter than me. I clear my throat in a attempt to stop myself from stuttering but it doesn't help any.

"You look... I mean... you're so... woah."

"Ummm thanks" she says messing with her hair. Instead of talking, because we all know I'm not capable of doing that right now, I hand her the flowers.

"These are absolutely beautiful" she says taking them and giving them a good wiff.

"You're absolutely beautiful."

She finds a vase and quickly makes her way to it trying to hide her blush. She puts them up and finds herself besides me once again.

"You look really nice" she says sweetly with a smile and it took everything in me not to kiss her right there. Instead I grab her hand and lace my fingers through hers. Her small hand was so cold but it stabilized my shaking one.

"You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."


"No way you did that" I choke out on the verge of tears from laughing so hard.

"I did, the nurses couldn't find me for like thirty minutes. They finally found me in my wheel chair like three floors down watching the game. My mom was pissed but my dad was so proud. I knew all the ins and outs of the hospital, I couldn't be contained. I made so many friends there and still keep in touch with them."

We spend the dinner just talking about anything and everything. She was so real and in touch with herself and the reality of her situation. She knew she couldn't protect herself from everything because life doesn't work that way. But at the same time she had this innocence that makes you want to give everything to protect her.

"What are you going to once you graduate?"

"I don't know. Got to find a real job. Don't get me wrong, I love working at the diner. The people there are so kind hearted and friendly, I'll never forget them. But being so close to death, it makes you want more from the life given to you."

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