Opposites attract

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After meeting Anthony that fateful day in the park it's been him and I. Like two peas in a pod. When he had a bad game I would be the first one he called, when I was stressed with school he took my mind off things. In reality we were complete opposites. I'm in my head a lot, thinking about how to make any certain moment worth remembering. I'd rather listen than talk and never asked for much from life because the gift of living was enough for me. Anthony was the loud one that people attached to. He was the talker and so outgoing. His personality brightens up a room and you always know he's there. But him being so different from me is what's so... intriguing. I never know what to expect from him, he leads with his heart more times than not and it leads him to some nice places. It's been a little over four months since we first met. He knows everything about me and I know everything about him. And to no ones surprise he's actually really is the sweetest guy in the world. He gets a little hot headed but only because he cares so much. I understand him and he understands me, I can only say that about one other person and that's Bri. But as our relationship grows so do the risks. Life's too short to worry about the risks so why not take them?

"Do you really want me to move in with you?"

"For the hundredth time Camilla, yes. I really do. You act like I'm going to complain about seeing you strutting around in those short shorts."

"First of all their pajama shorts, they're extremely comfortable. Second of all are you asking me to move in just to look at my ass?"

"I'm asking you to move in because we're in a serious relationship and we should trust each other. You're graduating soon and won't live on campus forever. I love having you around and it would make things less lonely. The short shorts are a bonus."

"Okay, say I do move in. What does that mean for us?"

"It means we're in it for the long haul. That we will defy all fights and hardship and disagreements because at the end of the day I still have you and that's all that matters. I've thought this through, I'm not just asking you because I feel like I have to. I want to do this. I promise."

I look into those big brown eyes and I can tell he's telling the truth. I loved him but I wasn't sure how to say it yet. I wasn't sure if he felt the same way. I guess I'm scared to say it out loud because that would make it seem so real. I look back into those eyes and see a future together. I want to be with him, I want to know the things that only someone who sees him every day knows.

"Okay. I'll do it. I'll move in" I say and he grows a smile.

"Seriously" he asks and I nod. He jumps out of his seat and spins me above his head before setting me in his feet again. He places a kiss on my lips and we decide to leave the bench in the city we were preoccupying to go on a adventure.

We decide to stroll through grant park and enjoy the August heat. I was sporting a cubs tank top while he wore a black hawks one, ironic right?

"What's your favorite part about playing for the Cubs?"

"Probably how cool the fans are. They're all so passionate and knowledgeable. It's amazing."

"I was raised by two of them, I think the word you're looking for is crazy."

"Cubs fans are many things, crazy is most certainly one of them. But I wouldn't change a thing about them."

"I wouldn't either. I've made so many friends through mutual love for this team. I can't wait to see what it's like when you finally win a World Series."

"Me either. I hope we can win it this year for people like Mr. Maxwell. He deserves to see the trophy come back to Chicago."

"This city would love to see a Cubs victory. Even the Sox fans have to admit that would be cool."

We make our way through the park fairly quickly and decide to head to the beach. It was surprisingly empty for a warm August day and the water looked so nice. I decided that I wanted to swim so I shed the tank top leaving me in a Nike sports bra and running shorts and Anthony's eyes nearly pop out of his head. I didn't exactly warn him so my random stripping came as a surprise to him.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Swimming, duh. You coming or not?"

He sheds his shirt and chases me into the cool lake water. I watch the sand move between my toes with the waves and let the chills across my skin grow. Anthony was like the water, always moving and crystal clear. He knows what he's supposed to do with this life. I was like the sand. It doesn't mix with the water but works best in it. So many different grains that makes up one big beach. Anthony appears next to me and sends a big splash my way drenching me. I give a smirk before splashing him back.

"You shouldn't have done that" he says jumping towards me and I take off deeper into the water. I stop when it reaches my chest and turn to see him no longer behind me.

"Gotcha" he yells startling me but we both end up laughing. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as he walks around.

"Okay, you caught me. Now what?"

"This" he says putting his lips on mine. My hands move from his shoulders and into his hair as his hands grip my butt. We break apart but I still remained in his arms.

"I love... that you agreed to move in with me" he says catching himself off guard. Was he about to say that he loves me? I brush I off because I can tell he was uncomfortable and decide to look away. The sun quickly sets and we decide to head back to the car. I sat in the passenger seat silently watching the city fly by. I wanted to tell him that I loved him but I couldn't. Not yet at least.

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