Love Boat

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The first week in Thailand was absolutely wonderful. We explored all of Bangkok and the Paresa resort before finishing up on a cruise.

"Come on Cubbie! Come here boy" I call as we get to our room on the boat. I wasn't sure how they let dogs on here but I wasn't about to complain, we wouldn't leave him anywhere else.

We get to our room and get situated fairly quickly. This whole experience has been so amazing. The beach at the bay was perfect, the water was so clear it looked fake. Then visiting the golden triangle where Thailand, Burma, and Laos all met was amazing too. And ending our trip on a cruise, I couldn't have drawn up a better vacation.

I think my favorite thing about his trip is getting to know Anthony better. I mean I know him better than anyone besides Bri maybe, but I still learn something new about him every day. Like if you ask him something and he says no just ask him again and he has to say yes. There hasn't been one animal we were able to pass without him running up to it and petting. He also can dance to music of all cultures and hates spicy food. Each and every day I fall more and more in love with him and I never wanted to land.

"I don't think I've ever been happier in my whole life"Anthony says jumping onto the bed. I crawl in next to him and rest my head on his chest. We sit silently for a while just reminiscing of our time together.

"Are you happy" he asks as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"I'm always happy. And if you don't stop that I'm going to fall asleep on you" I mumble.

"I mean happier than usual. And I love your hair" he pouts.

"I'm very happy. I haven't had a worry in the world since we've gotten here and it's nice. My problems don't seem like a problem when I'm with you. And out here where my mind can soak up a different culture and can be free, it's amazing. Of course it helps to have such a great tourist boyfriend" I laugh patting his chest.

"I kinda don't want to go home but I also kinda miss it" he sighs.

"I feel that. I like traveling because I don't get to do it a lot but I miss the fall nights in the city" I agree.

"Do you think things are going to be the same when we get back" he wonders rubbing circles on my back.

"Like are people still partying? Yeah. With Christmas coming up the town will be painted blue yet again. Every little girl and boy wants a Grandpa Rossy shirt or Anthony Rizzo jersey. Posters of you guys will be hung by the fire with care, with the hopes that saint Nicholas will soon be there" I laugh.

"You're so weird" he replies.

"Yeah. And I'm not sorry about it."

"You shouldn't be. You're kinda great."

"Just kinda?"

"This much" he responds pinching his fingers together and I smack his chest.

"Geese I'm kidding" he laughs and I roll my eyes. Eventually we get up and go in search of food, we had to bring something back for Cubbie too. It's going to be so hard to get him back to dog food when we get home. We hit the restaurant on the boat that was super cute. One of the performers places a pink flower in my hair then dances away, she was really awesome. I order some fish and Anthony orders a salad.

"So what do you want for Christmas" he asks as we wait for our food.

"You" I say simply.

"Okay, something tangible" he reiterates.

"We should get ten more dogs" I reply. That wasn't entirely a joke.

"Try again" he laughs.

"I don't know. Life is easier when you don't go out looking for things. Expect the least gain the most ya know" I shrug.

"You can't expect to make everyone else happy if you can't think of one thing that would make you happy" he claims.

"That's the thing about Christmas. It's what you want, not what you need. What I need is a cure to all cancers, for chemotherapy to be 100% certain, for people to stop being so insensitive and indignant. Everything I want I already have. I have a great family and friends. I have my dream job and I get to travel the world with my most favorite person in it. I promise you I'm happy as is" I assure him. He just looks at me before growing a smile.

"I want to give you the world but I still don't feel like it's enough" he admits.

"That's sweet of you" I smile. We get our meals and enjoy the great boat food before bringing back cubbies dinner and going to sleep.


"I bet I can catch a bigger octopus than you" I challenge as Anthony sends me a playful glare. We were going fishing and instead of catching fish its octopus and snails and other exotic creatures.

"No way" he laughs as we get set up at the edge of the boat. We get started and I pull my net up first.

"Look Anthony! A starfish" I squeal pulling it out.

"It's so cool, what should we name it" he asks lightly running his finger down it. I bring it close to my face and grow a smile.

"Patrick Star" I smile and he starts laughing.

"Of course. How did I not see that coming" he asks sarcastically. We continue to fish and we both pick up a few new friends.

"Lets eat him" Anthony says poking at a octopus.

"If you eat Alfred so help me God Anthony I will go back to the room and cuddle with Cubbie all night while you sleep on the floor" I warn.

"What are you expecting to do with them then" he asks.

"Release them. They're not hurting anyone" I say putting Patrick back into the water.

"You ate fish last night, you know that right" he chuckles putting Alfred back.

"Yeah. A fish I didn't catch or name" I remind him. After a while I get tired and decide to head back to the room. We would be starting our trek home tomorrow and I needed to pack.

"I love you" Anthony says randomly and I stopped trying to stuff everything in my suitcase.

"I love you too" I say softly. He takes the flower from last night and puts it back in my hair.

"I just really wanted to tell you that" he mentions.

"It's nice to hear" I smile. He places a kiss on my lips, a soft and passionate one at that.

"Is there something you need to tell me" I ask in a whisper, just a little scared to know that answer.

"I just wanted to tell you that I love you... a lot. More than anything in the world. And I know I don't always tell you or it might feel like I'm just saying it because I feel like I have to but I've never been more serious about anything. I love you so much."

"I love you too baby" I say cupping his face and kissing his lips. I finish packing and realize I didn't leave anything out to change into. I only bought a dozen shirts from places we've visited so I just pick one out and a pair of leggings then call it a day. I join Cubbie and Anthony in bed and curl up to Anthony's side.

"You excited to go home" he asks.

"Yeah. I miss Bri and my family and the guys. Plus I'm ready for Christmas so I'm excited to get into the spirit" I admit. Eventually I fall asleep and know that when I wake up I'm finally coming home.

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