The Importance of Birthdays

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The morning of Camilla's birthday is rough. She was throwing up all over the place and couldn't seem to keep things down. She seemed in high spirits but physically wasn't in any place to do much of anything.

"Hey babe, I know it's your birthday but you should really stay home and rest."

"I'll be fine, I promise there isn't anything left to throw up. You have plans made and I want to do them" she insists. She thinks we're going to navy pier before a nice dinner but it's actually her surprise birthday party.

I had rented out the top part of the pier and kind of recreated our first date. But this time all of her friends would be there. The wives and girlfriends were all there right now setting up for food and gifts while the boys decorated the pier red and blue. The cake had one of her drawings printed on it of us celebrating after clinching the playoff berth with "Happy Birthday Cammy" on it. And I'm sure it all came together nicely but I wasn't sure we should go.

Cam comes out the bathroom and wipes at her mouth, she's brushed her teeth at least 5 times today because she hates the taste of bile lingering around in her mouth. Can't blame her.

"I won't be upset I we can't make it to dinner, I just want you to be okay" I say and she shakes her head.

"I really want to spend some time with you" she insists and I let out a sigh.

"Fine, but I want to show you one part of your present" I say pulling her into the living room. The normal painting of me hitting a home run last year was gone and there was a new frame covered in a black cloth. 

"Oh my god you got me a black thing stuck to the wall" she cheers sarcastically and I roll my eyes.

"No, captain sarcasm, I didn't. I did this" I say pulling at the black material until it fell safely to the floor. It revealed that drawing of us in amazing detail. They did a great job with copying it to the large canvas, and it looked great in the center of the living room.

"Oh my gosh Anthony, this so cool" she says approaching it. She runs her finger across it lightly and I watch her admire the painting. It looked even better all blown up, the colors really stood out and the city backdrop looked 3D. It was so awesome.

"It's my favorite thing in the house, well besides you and Cubbie" I laugh.

"This is by far the coolest thing anyone has ever done for me, thank you" she says before placing a kiss on my lips. I pull her close feeling the kiss as her fingers lace behind my neck. I didn't even care that she threw up a hundred times today, all I cared about was her lips on mine.

"I love you so much it's crazy" I whisper as we remain close.

"I love you too" she whispers.

"What do you say to taking Cubbie on a walk to the pier before dinner" I suggest.

"That sounds like fun, let me get his leash" she says excusing herself. She hooks up the cubs leash to his blue collar and picks up her phone. I guide her out the door and check my phone one last time. Everything was done and ready for her.


We get to the pier and it looked really cool. The railings were covered in blue and red streamers and balloons. I could hear the music playing, it looked like a lot of people there already.

"Wow, there must be something going on here" she says trying not to get dragged by Cubbie trying to catch a seagull.

"Yeah, we should check it out."

"Really? Don't you think it's rude to party crash?"

"What do you mean, I'm the life of the party. Let's just take a peak" I encourage. I convince her enough to get her up the stairs.

"Hey that looks like Ben and Julianna. And Addison.... Wait a minute that is them."

We reach the top of the stairs and everyone makes their way to her.

"Surprise!" they cheer and she lights up more than I've seen in a while. She's on the fourth round of chemo and fighting along. It hasn't been easy by any means but she hasn't complained once.

The boys and their families were here along with some of the people from school and the diner. Turns out just about everyone who has ever met her loves her and wanted to come celebrate her birthday. When you have cancer birthdays are treated like holidays. You never know how many birthdays you have left so they were a big deal.

"Anthony... Did you do this" she asks looking around at all the decorations and happy faces.

"The idea was mine, I just sent out invitations and they did the rest."

She walks around and gives everyone a hug and a thanks. Everyone cared about her and wants her to have many more birthdays, but we wanted this one to be special. She goes off with the girls and I'm left with her and my dad. Naturally they were a perfect fit as fans of baseball but they connected on a whole another level. They were both the rock in their own cancer story and was proud of it.

I find my mom with her mom and decide to insert myself in that conversation.

"Hey Anthony, how are you sweetie" her mom asks and I smile to myself. She was awesome and helped me plan all this.

"I'm good. Thanks for all your help, this looks so cool."

"Of course honey. You've been taking such great care of my daughter it was the least I could do."

"I love having Cam around all the time. She's such a free spirit and she teaches me a life lesson every day. There's no one else I would rather spend my time with."

We talk a little and I fill both of them in with where she was in treatment and what the possibilities of what could happen next. We hoped for the best but expected the worst. Life's easier that way.

As the night goes on I stay back with Cubbie and let her roam by herself. It's hard not to want to protect her at all costs. She was a adult but I can't stand the thought I something bad happening to her and me not being there. She didn't deserve that. I know I've been suffocating her lately and all these people were here for her after all.

"She's doing pretty good huh Cubbie" I say as he chills on my arm.

"It's crazy that she thinks she needs me when in reality I need her just as much" I think out loud. The night does on and I notice her looking for someone or something so I decide it was time to go help her.

"Excuse me miss you seemed lost" I joke and she lets out a giggle.

"Actually I was looking for you. Where have you been?"

"I was letting you free. This is your party and I wanted to let everyone get some time with you."

"That's sweet, but we're a package deal. If they want me they get you too."

"You're adorable, you know that?"

"Only for you" she laughs. I spend the rest of the night trailing her and feeling a lot better knowing that if she needs me I'm there.

"Nice job Tony, the place looks great" Bri says.

"Couldn't have done it without you" I say knocking into her shoulder. When it comes to Cam, Bri will always be the first person I go to. She knows her better then Cam knows herself.

It comes time for cake and presents and everything gets along great. Eventually people start to head out and there was one more thing I wanted to do.

I take Cam on the Ferris wheel and have it stop at the top. The same place we shared our first kiss.

"Man, this view keeps getting better and better" she gasps as the sun sets over the city.

"I think my view is better" I say tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Her cheeks turn red and I feel my heart rate pick up. She still makes me nervous, but I loved the feeling.

I place a kiss on her lips and much like the first time I feel my stomach flip inside me. I will never get used to the way she makes me feel.

"Happy birthday baby."

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