The Answer is Always Yes

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We arrive at the beautiful British Virgin Islands New Year's Eve. We would leave late tomorrow so our time here was short but if everything goes as planned it should be memorable. I feel my pants to make sure the ring was still safety in my wallet then follow Camilla into the hut on the beach. We quickly change into swim suits then tend to the water.

"What made you want to come here" Camilla asks as we trek farther into the water.

"This is the place to be for New Years" I state and she nods. She retreats under water and resurfaces a few yards out. Her long dark hair curls with the water as she wipes her face dry, not a speck of make up like always.

"I don't think I've told you this yet today but you're really beautiful" I say swimming over to her.

"You have but I still appreciate your kind words" she replies while cupping my face. She kisses my nose and I feel my stomach do flips. I love it when she did that. I quickly pick her up as she wrapped her legs around me. I rest my forehead on hers as I let out a sigh.

"No matter where I am with you I just can't seem to stop smiling" I admit.

"That's love baby" she whispers while running her fingers through my hair. I place a kiss on her lips and she starts to smile.

We spend a few hours out there just admiring the beautiful landscape. Eventually we go back and wash up before changing into our outfits for the New Years celebration tonight.

"How do I look" she asks. Her hair was set in its natural waves with a flower crown we got at lunch. She had on a burgundy off the shoulder top and skinny jeans on. Her eyes sparkled in the bright sun as she looks for me to answer.

"You look beautiful, like you always do" I say wrapping my arms around her.

"And you look handsome like always" she giggles. We head out to the boat where we would watch the fireworks and she starts laughing once the vessel pulls up.

"The W flag... really" she asks pointing to the flag on the boat.

"Yes really. The world needs to know who the champs are" I defend.

"Sweetie, people who don't know what baseball is know you won" she laughs.

"Okay true. But it just makes me happy" I admit.

"Me too" she agrees. We board the boat then take off to sit between the islands and wait for midnight to come. As the sun sets I get more and more nervous. I kept feeling for the ring in my pocket making sure I wouldn't lose it.

"Are you okay" she asks trying to read me. Sometimes it's freaky how well she knows me.

"Yeah. Just excited for the new year" I say. That wasn't completely a lie.

"Me too. I have so many ideas for what the Cubs could to do this year. Each player will have a charity they will focus on and raise money for. Whichever one touches their hearts the most. Each guy can help create their own fundraiser and 100% of the money goes to the charity" she beams.

"You actually want to get back to work" I ask.

"Of course. It's a job where I get to help people who needs it alongside my favorite athletes for the best organization in the most amazing city in the world. What do I possibly have to complain about" she boasts. We end up sitting on the boat just watching life pass us by. We talk about our favorite memories from this year and what memories we want to make next year.

"My favorite thing about this year was meeting you" I admit.

"Even more than winning the World Series" she asks with a eyebrow raised.

"Yes... even more than that. Because when I'm old that won't mean as much to me as you do" I say taping her nose.

"Nice to know" she giggles. Eventually it comes to a minute until midnight and I feel my heart beating out of my chest, I'm almost certain she could hear it. We stand at the edge of the boat as fireworks start letting us know it's the new year and I figured it was now or never. I unlace my hand from hers and grab the ring tight, all I needed was for it to fall in the water. I get on one knee and wait for her to turn around.

"Wow, these fireworks are awesome aren't they" she asks turning around to look at me. Eventually she realizes I was down here and her hands shoot to her mouth.

"Oh my god" she whispers causing me to smile.

"From the moment I laid eyes on you I knew you were the one. I was just walking around trying to find something, I don't know what exactly I was looking for. But my eyes met a beautiful girl who was surrounded by books just laying on the ground watching clouds roll by. Something in me told me I needed to talk to you, and boy am I glad I did. You talked to me like I was just another person, you answered every question I shot at you and never skipped a beat. And just like that you were running out of my life, so chased you. I found you in a little diner that felt like a family. And although you're not related by blood, you guys really were a family. I went to the game that day and wouldn't shut up about you. I thought David was going to tape my mouth shut for a while but he knew I had fallen for you. I had finally found a girl who was beautiful and intelligent and real, I had to have more. And now here we are nine months later still fighting the same fight, I adore watching you grow every day. You soak up all information thrown your way and I just admire how good you are with people. I felt like I was in a fairytale, I found my princess and we would just ride off into the sunset. But then your cancer came back and a part of me died inside. Watching the doctors roll the love of my life away on a bed with nothing but scary thoughts running through my head, I was terrified. I couldn't lose you, and especially not to cancer. All they said was that you needed emergency surgery and I should start praying. It was my worst nightmare. But you woke up convinced you could get through it all, you stayed strong and I watched you fight with every ounce of faith inside you. You never know how strong you are until you have to fight for your life, you've done that twice now and really are a little fighter. Once you won your battle you helped me fight mine. You picked me up when I was down, you helped me remember who I was as a man and how to be the best person I could be. I can't imagine being where I am today if you weren't right along side of me. From day one it's been you and me, and now I am asking to make it official. So Camilla Mathews, will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man ever and marry me" I ask.

"Yes" she says quietly and I feel my heart jump out my chest. I slide the ring on her shaking hand and stand up to pick her up and spin her around. I place a deep kiss on her lips as I pull her close.

"I love you so much" she says looking into my eyes.

"And I love you" I say back. Eventually the boat heads back to the shore and we get back to the hut.

"Who all knows about this" she wonders.

"David, Jason, Kris so probably Bri, your family and mine. That's about it" I say checking everyone off in my head.

"My family" she asks.

"Yeah, I asked them for their blessing at Christmas and they said yes. All I needed was for you to say yes" I smile.

"The answer will always be yes when it comes to you" she admits. We fall asleep shortly after that and head back home the next day to get ready for the rest of my life with her.

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