Good News

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Everything was dark. The continuous sound of beeping blare inside my head, it gets louder the more I wake up. I wanted to open my eyes but I was scared to know if I could see or not. Everything before this slumber is kind of blurry but it's all coming back slowly. I've been through this once before so I know that I need to take my time. The pain in my head had stopped but I knew I had passed out and I knew this was my first time waking up since I did. The familiar smell of the hospital fills my senses as I touch for the thin sheets that could only come with a hospital bed. I feel the IV in my right arm pumping strong pain medicine into my system much like the last time this happened, but my head is a bit warmer this time. After much convincing I open my eyes and let them adjust to find out I could see once again. I wasn't blind so that was a good thing. Next thing I check is my head. I bring my free hand up to my hair and let out a breath when I feel my head, all my hair was still there and that made me happy. That has to be a good sign, right? My head was shaved even before chemo last time because of the brain surgery. I let my hand fall on top of my head and instantly cringe as it grazes my scalp. I feel staples over my old scar and a fresh scab. What was happening? I slowly turn my head to see Anthony sitting on a chair passed out. His mouth was wide open and he had a little snore. It was kinda cute. I had no clue how I got here, how long I've been here, and what they've done to me. I was just thankful I was awake and somebody was here to explain what's going on, even though I had a pretty good idea.

"Anthony" I whisper shaking his arm causing him to stir.

"Anthony Rizzo" I say a little bit louder and his eyes flutter open. Once they meet mine I feel all the emotions he was feeling. The tears were instant and suddenly nothing else mattered besides the fact that he was here for me.

"Oh my god you scared the hell out of me" he whisper yells pulling me into a hug. I know I'm supposed to be mad at him but I couldn't. Not anymore.

"What happened to me?"

"Well I'm not sure how much you remember but I was kind of a huge ass hole..."

"I remember that, and you weren't that big of a ass hole. Just a tiny sized ass hole" I joke and he smiles.

"Okay okay, I deserve that. But I went back to literally beg for your forgiveness and you said you would try to work things out. All the sudden you collapsed talking about your head hurting and you couldn't see. I took you to the hospital and you passed out before we got here. Once I got you in here they rushed you straight to get a MRI. They said the tumor you had before wasn't totally removed and that's what made your vision go. It was spreading and spreading fast so they removed it microscopically before it could spread some more and are doing tests to see if it's cancerous."

"How long have I been asleep?"

"About a week, 5 days maybe."

I let out a sigh and try to sort everything out. It was a lot to take in. I can't imagine what my parents are thinking, or Bri? I feel a tear slip and he catches it.

"I'm so scared" I whisper.

"I am too, I am too. But you know what Fighter, you've done it once before you can do it again."

"What if I'm not strong enough this time?"

"You can't think like that. You're the toughest person I know. The team, the organization, your parents, we're all going to be fighting right along side of you, every step of the way we will be right by you. Promise me you won't give up, I need you."

"I could never give up. There's so much to live for, and I still need a World Series from you. How has the team been?"

"We've been good. It's been hard without you. David, Kris, and Jason come here every day. We had a moment of silence for you the other day at Wrigley, that's the quietest that place has ever been."

"And how are my parents doing?"

"They've been doing a lot better than I have. I've been a mess but they told me that you wouldn't go down that easy. They're kinda great."

"Yeah, I'm pretty lucky to have them."

He joins me on the hospital bed and wraps a arm around me, I've missed this, I've missed him. His scent and those deep brown eyes. I missed it all.

"Have you been staying here since I got here?"

"Yeah, I'm used to it though. Don't worry."

I fall asleep like that and wake up in his arms, this time with a lot more people in my room. My parents, Bri, and nearly half the Cubs team was in my room as I lay in Anthony's arms. I give them a wave and they all wave back. My parents come over and give me a huge hug. I hear my mom sniffle but my dad stays strong, just like the good old times. We all talk almost as if we weren't in the hospital, joking around like we usually did in the clubhouse. Eventually people start to file out and it's just my parents and Anthony left. I looks around at the cards and flowers and balloons from the past five days, I can't help but feel blessed to be so supported. It was humbling. A doctor comes into my room and it falls silent, like dead silent.

"Hello Ms. Mathews. I'm Doctor Pickard and I did your surgery" he says sticking his hand out. I shake it and prepare myself for the worst. He sits across from me and checks my vitals before proceeding to tell me what was happening.

"We did tests on the tumor and I'm sorry to tell you that your cancer is back. But this time it's only in the beginning stages and you should be able to beat it easily. We caught it pretty early and it isn't as strong this time around. A month or two of chemo and you should happy and healthy again. I can't promise you anything but you put up a good fight last time, you should knock this one out too."

I sit in the bed and let out a breath. Not the best news but I could work with  that. All I needed was a little something good and that was enough for me to want to keep going.

"Do you know how long it took me to grow this hair out" I ask and everyone laughs. I didn't want them to be so uptight and worried. I could do this.

"I can assure you that you should keep your hair" he laughs and I nod. I was joking, but nice to know. We talk about chemo treatments and what I could do as far as work. Chemo three times a week for at least a month through the spine, yikes. The treatment worked well last time so they were hoping to repeat that and that my body accepts the drug. No traveling but I can go to home games days I don't have chemo and get around Wrigley just fine. I have to keep watch for signs such as dizziness or losing sight. But as far as they're concerned I should make a full recovery which made me feel better. If it was bad like the first time I don't know what I would do...

"We're gonna keep you here for a little to make sure your body accepts the drugs but should be able to go home at the end of the week" the doctor tells me and I nod. He leaves and everyone collectively lets out a breath. We laugh because it was kinda funny before I finally say something.

"Anyone else hungry" I ask and my mom smiles at me.

"Is food all you think about" she jokes back.

"Nooooo. Sometimes I want a drink too" I reply and she gives me another hug. She was the best at those.

"I love you Fighter, you got this" she says and I nod. I do have this.

I get my first treatment in a few days and I wasn't at all excited, but this support system was pretty nice. My parents go home because they've been in and out of the hospital but Anthony had been letting them stay at our place while I was here.

"How are you feeling?"

"Right now I'm on so many pain killers I'm not sure this is real life."

"Is that a good thing?"

"I think so. I won't be saying that when chemo starts though."

They decided doing it through the spinal chord would be the quickest and most effective way to get this done and although it's the most painful way it just means I'll get out of here quicker. Anthony stays with me until he has to go to the game and I happily watch it on the tv by myself in the hospital. That night he hits a home run and I smile to myself, I wanted to get through this for a lot of reasons and he was one.

Fighter (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now