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i laid on my stomach on my bedroom floor with papers scattered around me as i read from my Social Studies textbook. a plate was somewhere in the mess from dinner, along with a pen or two. a knock at my window interrupted my reading and i groaned in response but didn't move and continued to read.

"Joseph, let me in," Josh's muffled voice spoke from outside the window as he continued to knock. i ignored him. he knocked, and knocked, and kept knocking until i slammed my book shut and stood up. i walked over to the window and looked at him through it. he had his hoodie up as if it was raining and a smile on his face compared to my not-amused one. man do i want to slap that smile off.

he mouthed the words "open the window" as he pointed to me and i did. once it was open, he leaned close to me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before pushing past me. he didn't get far until my arm reached out and blocked him from getting his two feet in my room. he backed up and scrunched his eyebrows.

"uh-" he started.

"leave Josh," i said with no emotion.

"what?" he asked as he was taken aback.

"i know you told everyone,"

"told everyone what?"

"that we hookup,"

"pssh," he said as he rolled his eyes, "you're joking,"

i just stared.

"Joseph, you know i wouldn't tell anyone-"

"then please explain to me why the whole school knows when i would never tell and you," i made air quotes, "'didn't'. my friends were considering ditching me for not telling them, Josh. what the hell do i do now?"

"i don't know, it's not my problem!"

"you're a part of this problem! what do you mean you aren't?"

we were shouting by now and i knew if my parents heard, they'd kill me right when they walk through this door and see Josh coming through my window.

"whatever Joseph. i said i didn't say anything," he explained as he crossed his arms.

"then how did everyone find out?" i pressed for an answer.

he shrugged, "i don't know, and i don't care. i don't need or want to deal with this. if you figure out who did it, it won't be me, because i. didn't. do. it." when he spoke those last words, he leaned closer each time until we were a foot away. i looked at his lips then his eyes and he got the hint. he leaned back again.

"don't even try. i'm done with you." he finished before turning around and running down the stairs, into the street.

"Josh? Josh! come back!" i shouted but he ignored me as he jogged away. i closed my window and plopped down on my bed, flat on my back as i closed my eyes and laid my arm over top. i definitely didn't do it, and Josh said he didn't. this was our secret, so then who did?

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