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i woke up in my bed with a throbbing headache. how did i end up here? i remember being asleep on the floor...

i glanced at my alarm clock only to see a figure out of the corner of my eye. i sat straight up and turned on my light to hear Josh scowl from the brightness.

"Josh?" i asked as i covered my eyes. he rubbed his own with a groan, "yeah?"

"what are you doing here? i thought i told you to leave,"

"i know, i know. i just wanted to say i'm sorry after today, with your eye and all that...sorry,"

"were you the one who told Brendon?"

he sat down at the edge of my bed and nodded slowly. i sighed, i can't believe him. still.

"i'm sorry, i shouldn't have told the most gossip and drama filled person i know,"

i snickered quietly at this because it was true. and to hear it come out of someone else's mouth was even better. he chuckled as well.

"i'm sorry i kicked you out before knowing the truth. i was just..upset, you know?" i added as i looked at him normally now that my eyes were adjusted to the light.

"s'okay, i forgive you," he answered back with a small smile that made me smile.

"i don't see you smile too much at school, is it just me that makes you do it?" Josh asked with another one of his famous smiles.

i nodded, "i guess so,"

he bit his lip before looking down at his hands.

"do you have to be so hot all the time?" i asked and he looked back up with a roll of his eyes.


"can we, maybe...?" i asked and he crossed his arms.

"i thought you hated me,"

"just do it."

he shrugged and crawled over to me as i laid back down. i smiled when he pinned my arms down and leaned in to brush our lips together. i leaned up to connect our lips as he let it happen. this time of us making out wasn't as forced as the others. we, as in Josh, weren't in a rush to get our clothes off, instead, we were taking it slow. normal, i guess you could say.

it was definitely different, but a good kind of different.

he leaned away and i put my head back down on the pillow as he smiled. he didn't smirk, but smiled.

"are you okay?" i chuckled quietly.

"yeah what're you talking about?" he smiled back.

"you're not in a rush to have a make out session for the first time,"

he shrugged, "is that a bad thing?"

"no, not at all. i love it, actually,"

he smirked, "good," before leaning back down to connect our lips. we eventually pulled away, even though i didn't want it to ever stop, but he had to go home. he rolled off my bed and pulled on his shoes and jacket.

"see you tomorrow," i spoke quietly with my hands behind my head with a smile. he waved quickly before opening the window and crawling out.

i rolled onto my side and pulled the covers over me, up to my neck. i reached up to turn off the lamp and laid there in the silence until i felt my bed dip behind me a few seconds later. i turned my head and saw Josh crawling under the sheets with me. he smiled quickly before pulling off his shirt, i didn't have mine on either, and covering himself up.

"good job on being stealthy, i didn't hear you come back in," i whispered with a smile to which he returned.

"thanks, i really try," he joked before pulling me closer as he wrapped his arms around my torso and my back to him. he quickly kissed my shoulder before getting comfortable as we both fell asleep.

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